
The final roll nearly crushed every muscle of Alexander's body. The previous two rolls had had his ribs broken rendering him immobile, but as determined as he was, he finally made the last one. Now every fibre in his body was screaming with pain. He let out a loud groan. The white beam of light was just an arms reach away but couple he make it. Could he even move? He had thought accomplishing the rolls successfully was the hardest part but this proved to be the toughest. How would he even reach there when he couldn't even do a simple action like lifting his arm? 

This proved to be the end! He was hopeless now! Just at arms reach! He so much wanted to get there but would his body let him? He looked as good as dead, given the condition he was in. He tried to lift his limbs but the pain! Damn it! His body was as good as useless. He cursed, eventually giving up.