
(Naruto's PoV)

After every fodder has taken their bribe, Shiori-chan started feeling sleepy. Well, she had to prepare a lot of things for academy today.

She has told him that, "Even though others are fodder, they aren't unnecessary. You need fodder to feed your cattle and get milk, which is the biggest source of nutrition."

I didn't completely understand what she meant by that, I understood this much that these fodders are also necessary. Why? I dunno.

"-So, we will be studying with each other for about six years, till you graduate the academy to become a ninja. Starting this year, we will also introduce extra-curricular training. This means that even if someone doesn't necessarily complete the requirements of passing a grade, some other things can make up for it. For example, if someone can't use ninjutsu, if they are talented enough in another field like Taijutsu or complex ninja arts like fuinjutsu, they will graduate-"

Sensei started explaining things, and due to his voice, the sleepy Shiori-chan fell asleep.

"-There are various rules that you must follow, like not sleeping in class-"

Sensei looked at Shiori, and pinched his nose.


Just how loud does he shout!? He is even louder than Guy-sensei! He woke up Shiori-chan!

Shiori-chan woke up starled? started? She looked around, and tried to suppress her yawn. I mean, tried.

"Sorry sensei, I was busy last night trying to come up with a fuinjutsu seal to sense chakra fluctuations in surfaces. Maybe you can help me in that?"

Hmm, isn't that simple? Just have the seal to spread throughout the surface and when foreign chakra comes in contact with it, it will alert us.

That isn't working? Weird...

"*Cough*, I am sorry, but I don't specialise in fuinjutsu. If you want, I can ask for teachers who do."

"I will just ask Old man then. He is more knowledgeable than anyone in the village."

"You can ask the teachers! They are more than likely to know about-"

"By Old man, I mean Old man Hokage."

"Oh... ANYWAY! Sleep on time, and don't sleep in the class!"

"Yes sensei."

"Alright! So open your textbooks. We will start the first chapter, 'The Birth of Will of Fire'-"



Sigh. I wish she could learn transformation jutsu and transform as herself, but awake. 


Tsss, too loud. 


"So to check your levels, we will be testing you all in certain areas, like your speed, stamina, accuracy with kunai and shuriken, and a taijutsu spar according to your names. 

So first of all, a test of speed. You all have to run from here to the finish line with as much speed as you can. The first group will be Uchiha Sasuke, Uzumaki Naruto, Nara Shikamaru, Tono Katatsuke and Akimichi Chouji."

I went to the starting line, and I heard Shiori-chan cheering for me, but she was doing some strange dance as well. And she also had some weird things on her hands, which wiggled as she danced and jumped.

"Go Naruto! Leave all of them to dust!"

"I will win Shiori-chan!"

I looked at my competitors. An Uchiha looking guy, he must be Sasuke. I remember seeing this guy's poster, so he must be the son of the clan head.

One twig was yawning and has weird pineapple looking hair, hm, oh! He is that smoking guy.

Then there is a fat guy with doodles on his cheek. I think there was some fat guy as well in one of the posters.

So they are children of clan heads. And the last one was just another twig with glasses. I don't know him.

"Now the race is starting! Take your positions!"

I took the posture as Guy-sensei has taught, and only the Sikasu had the same posture as me.

"3, 2, 1, start!"

I ran at my full speed, and obviously came first. The second guy was Saske, and weirdly enough, the pineapple twig was last and was walking with his hands on the back of his head. 

Are you sure you are running? 

Sakuse was looking at me at shock, with his eyes wide like they were going to pop out. 



"How did you win?"

"Umm, by running?"

He angrily stomped and went away, while glaring at me. And I smiled.

"Heh. Loser."

Then, I noticed that sensei was looking afraid of me.

"W-winner, Uzumaki Naruto!"



After that, more races happened, and it was finally the turn of Shiori-chan. 

"Now, Hyuga Hinata, Haruno Sakura, Yamanaka Ino, Kasumi and Shiori."

"All the best Shiori-chan!"

I waved as she waved back, and started talking with the other girls. I mean, clients/customers. I think I have seen the weird white eye girl in her posters, so she must be the daughter of a clan head, and the blonde girl too. 

Weird. Do all clans have children at the same time? 

"3, 2, 1, start!"

And of course, Shiori-chan won, and the white-eyed girl came in second, followed by blonde and brown. The pink haired girl came in last, and she was hiding her eyes with her hair. And for some reason, Shiori-chan was consoling her. Is she rich? But she doesn't seem like the daughter of a clan head. 

After the races finished, sensei announced the results.

"Alright! The first place goes to Naruto, second to Sasuke, and third to Shiori. Clap for them!"

But not many clapped... Some were saying... 'Mom said he is a monster, is that why he is so strong and fast?'

'But why does he always hang around Shiori-chan? She wrote Shin-chan, so she must be incredibly smart, right?'

W-what is their problem!? Why am I the monster!? Doesn't that Koba guy look like a dog too? My whiskers are cute! I have cat whiskers, so why are they afraid of me and not Koba?

Cats never chase people on street like dogs do!

Why! Just why-

"Woo hoo! My Naruto is the strongest!"


Shiori-chan'd broke away my thoughts. Yeah. That's right. I shouldn't care about this idiots.

"Even if you are a monster, you are my monster, Naruto.

Though, you aren't a monster, they are."

Yes. They can call me a monster. I may be a monster.

But I am Shiori-chan's monster.

Shiori-chan came to me with that pink haired girl, and started introducing her.

"Naruto, she is Sakura. I will be training with her in the kunoichi classes. Sakura, say hello."


She totally bit her lip. 

Wait a minute... OH! Now I understand! Shiori-chan was saying that she was thinking of starting a business which will need people, so, she is the first recruit!?

My business smile, here it comes!

"Hello, I am Uzumaki Naruto. Please take good care of Shiori-chan as her friend."


I wonder how she will be helpful in any business when she can't even see people in the eye, and stutters like that? 

"NEXT! It will be stamina test! All of you get in line, and run while following my speed for as much rounds as you can!"

Oh, next round of test.

"Naruto, I will be spending some time with my new friend today, okay? You beat everyone in these exams, okay?"


"Come Sakura-chan!"

And Shiori-chan went away with Sakura... Is she going to abandon me for that girl...?

"Naruto! Do your best!"

Shiori-chan shouted and took on those weird things in her hands, and started jumping.

"Brat, that girl is a genius. If you aren't the best, she will end up abandoning you. Just like your parents did."

Suddenly, the words of that one-eyed old man rang in my ears.

I need to be the best!


I stood just behind sensei, and Sasuk just behind me.

"I will beat you in this."

Sisuk declared.

"Yeah, sure."


"You will lose. Don't cry later."

And he started huffing and puffing. He almost looked cute right now. Just like a pig, but with duck's butt for his hair. 

Ew, that sounded really disgusting. 

"3, 2, 1, start!"

And so, the run started. Pineapple guy gave up before we completed a single lap, and was searching something inside his nose with a finger. Shiori-chan said that it is bad manner. What a weak clan heir. And maybe that's why he became a smoking addict too? What a moron. He will probably end his clan's legacy.

After 34th lap, Shiori-chan gave up while only me and Sasuke remained. 

After 51st lap, Sasuke gave up as well. 

They sure get tired early huh?

After 100th lap, sensei abruptly stopped. 

"Alright. That's enough for now."

"Huh? Sensei, I am not that tired-"

"1st: Uzumaki Naruto, 100 laps! 2nd: Uchiha Sasuke, 51 laps! And 3rd: Shiori, 34 laps!"

But I could run atleast 100 laps more...

I sighed and went to the crowd of people. Shiori-chan waved at me to come, but I thought that she should get some time with her new friend.

"Next, Kunai throwing!"

Oh, I have not practiced it enough. I won't come first in it...

"Naruto, 7/10!"

"Shino, 9/10!"

"Hinata, 9/10!

"Shiori, 4/10!"

"Sasuke, 10/10!"

"1st: Sasuke, 2nd: Shino and Hinata, and 3rd: Naruto!"

Uggh, I got only 7 times right! Sasuke came to me, and smirked. 

"Heh, loser."

I felt angry by seeing his smug face. I will definitely beat him in the next test!

I need to be the best!

I looked at Shiori-chan, at she just smiled at me and mouthed, 'We just need to train in it.'


"Shuriken Test!"

"Sasuke: 10/10, Shikamaru: 9/10, Shino: 9/10, Hinata: 8/10, Ino: 7/10, Naruto: 5/10, Shiori: 3/10!"

"1st: Sasuke, 2nd: Shikamaru and Shino, 3rd: Hinata!"

Uggh, this time I didn't even come in third!

"Now it's two on two."

Sasuke suddenly appeared beside me, and said smugly while looking at me.

"So what!?"

"Well, if we get paired up for the spar, it will be my win."

"Yeah, as if. I will totally kick your butt, duckbutt."

"You won't even last a chance against me, who is trained by my brother."

"Huh? I am totally sure that Guy-sensei can beat up your weak brother!"

"You-! I will make you eat your words."

"And I will make you eat dirt."

He grabbed my collar, I grabbed his collar. 

"Alright, since you both want to fight so much, do this inside this circle. First Taijutsu spar: Uzumaki Naruto vs Uchiha Sasuke!"

I will totally wipe that smugness off his face. 

And for some reason, he grinned at me. 

But... he doesn't have those loathing, or afraid eyes.

He is... weird.