(Shiori's PoV)
"Now tell me, what happened?"
I asked Naruto as we were practicing throwing kunais while everyone went home.
Since I started to talk with Sakura, I have noticed that Naruto has been kind of off. As if I will disappear somewhere. And not because he thinks like that on his own.
Because my Naruto is so innocent that he will be happy that I, and he made a new friend. Even if I want Naruto to be for me only, to listen to everything I tell him, I don't want him to suffer.
He should be the happiest he can possibly be by my side.
Naruto didn't hear me, as he was focused on getting his aim right.
"Naruto, tell me what happened!"
He froze, and-
Because of me, he cut his hand with kunai.
"Shiori-chan! Don't worry! It's only a little cut! This will heal right away! "
I didn't listen to him, took out my hanky, but before I could wrap it around his hand, it was already healed, as if nothing happened, besides the blood stains.
Oh. Knowing and seeing Naruto's healing factor are two totally different things. I wonder if Naruto has the factor even without Kurama? Since Hashirama did?
I saw Naruto's face, and he was looking at his hand uncomfortably.
Grabbing his hands, I looked into his eyes.
"Now, will you tell me what happened? You have been acting weird for a while."
"Don't pretend like nothing happened! I know that something is bothering you."
He looked away, and muttered, "She noticed?"
"Of course I noticed. Afterall, I am your wife, ain't I?"
Naruto blushed, and then, started crying.
I hugged him, and started patting his back as he cried over me.
"There, there... Are you okay?"
"*sniff* yeah *sniff* I am okay."
"You aren't okay. Cry your heart out. No need to hold back, okay?"
And then, the dam of tears and snot broke.
... I will keep these clothes in a secured closet to tease Naruto about it after we are grown up.
After a while, he calmed down, and fell asleep over me.
I may not be able to carry a 100 kg Naruto, but I was able to move him to sleep in my lap as I sat in the shade of the tree we were under.
Fun fact: People in this world are a lot heavy because they also have chakra, which, of course, has weight. I am 18 kgs, and Naruto is 100 kgs. And he doesn't have the weight of Kurama added to him because of the seal. But the weight is countered by the same chakra itself constantly, but not so much before Naruto has control over his chakra. Even then, it doesn't cause problems that a normal 100 kg 6 year old kid would have in our previous world.
By the time Naruto is an adult, he will probably be several tons in weight. If not for the chakra he would be controlling, he would be making craters everywhere he would walk.
Anyway, was Naruto not his usual self because he was thinking that I will abandon him just because I got a friend?
Well, only I know that Sakura is just a 'friend' afterall. And kids are some of the most confident and insecure kind.
Especially Naruto, who only has me.
"I won't ever abandon you, Naruto. And don't feel uncomfortable that you heal fast. It just means that you are different than the normal people. Much better than them. That's why they are jealous, and will try anything to bring you down to their level."
No matter the world, majority of the population is filled with filth like that. The canon characters don't even constitute even 1% of the world afterall.
"Naruto, to get rich, I need to be friends with all kinds of people. Even the daimyos who run the slavery business. But by being friends with a lot of people doesn't mean that I care about them.
You know that you are different from the other people, right? I care about you. I will spend my entire life with you. You are my husband."
As I kept stroking his hair, I could see his mouth slightly curve into a smile. Oh. He was awake afterall.
I definitely knew that.
"Want to know why I became friends with Sakura? I see great potential in her, more than anyone else in the girls. She will most likely be your teammate. If you ever get hurt, like poisoned which can't be removed just by healing, she will cure you before anyone else.
I will do anything to keep you safe, my Naruto."
Oh. He will keep pretending to be asleep huh? But, look at the big smile! He really isn't a good actor huh?
"Naruto, wake up~"
Still won't wake up?
"Wake up, or I will kiss you."
... Should I do it? I mean, we are six.
Well... You can get married here at four, so...
I gave him a kiss on cheek. Kissing a kid on the lips is too much, even if this world allows it.
Afterall, I am not a child predator.
"Naruto, wake up. Let's go eat Ramen."
And he woke up immediately.
So, Ramen is more important than me lap pillow?
Naruto, fully cheered up, stood up, and held his hand to me, excited to go to eat ramen.
I tried standing, but...
"My legs are numb."
So, Naruto grabbed me, and swiftly, and tenderly, pull me into a princess carry.
"Let's go, Ramen is waiting for us!"
"Yeah yeah. Let's go, Naruto."
My precious Naruto.