Fighting Core Student (8)

Sect Master Oakheart, an esteemed figure of the Forest Heart Sect, watched the intense battle unfold from his vantage point at the edge of the arena.

His eyes, filled with wisdom and concern, followed the Verdant Treant's every move, taking note of its increasingly dire condition. As the Sect Master, it was his duty to protect the well-being of both the sect members and their spirit beasts.

As the battle raged on, the damage inflicted upon the Verdant Treant became more and more apparent. Its once lush canopy was now reduced to ash, and its limbs cracked and smoldered under the relentless inferno of Stella's flames. Sect Master Oakheart's heart ached for the noble creature that had fought so valiantly, and he knew that a decision had to be made.

With a heavy heart, Sect Master Oakheart rose from his seat and approached Aiden. The young disciple, who had been watching the battle with a mixture of pride and concern, turned to face his Sect Master, his eyes filled with questions.