
Levi watched from the stands as Zephyr summoned his beast, Scorch. The powerful dragon emerged from a bright light, its scales glistening in the arena's bright lights.

As Scorch took its place beside Zephyr, Levi could feel the heat radiating from the dragon's body. He could sense the immense power and strength of the beast.

He lifted his hand towards the sky and began to chant softly, calling forth the power of his beast. The air around him began to shimmer and vibrate, and a bright light emerged from his palm.

The light grew brighter and brighter until it took the shape of a magnificent wolf, with fur as white as snow and eyes as blue as the ocean. Nova let out a low growl as it emerged fully from the light, taking its place beside Orion.

As Orion summoned Nova, Zephyr turned to him and sneered. "So that is your beast," he said, his voice dripping with disdain.