Killing The Assassins

Orion stood firm and unwavering, his eyes locked on the now-powered-up Red Tail Scorpions. He didn't get intimidated by their appearance or their newfound strength.

As he observed the Red Tail Scorpions, he noticed that they were moving with greater speed and precision than before. Their movements were more coordinated, and their strikes were filled with renewed strength.

But despite their enhanced abilities, Orion remained unfazed. He kept a steady gaze on the assassins, his expression calm and collected.

The assassins were taken aback by Orion's lack of reaction. They had expected him to be intimidated by their powered-up Red Tail Scorpions, but it seemed that he was completely unaffected by them.

"What's wrong, Orion? Aren't you afraid of our new and improved Red Tail Scorpions?" one of the assassins taunted, his voice filled with malice.