Volume 4 Power Level

Hello again, here I will change the status again. Sorry for the changes again.

Firstly for the beast

Beast Race: Each beast race typically has its own distinct qualities and may excel in specific areas such as strength, agility, or magical abilities. Examples of beast races include Grey Wolf, Red Back Gorilla, and Fire Dragon.

Elements: Elements can include fire, water, earth, air, light, darkness, and more. Creatures with elemental affinities can wield the powers associated with their element, enhancing their abilities or granting them additional skills.

Realm: Realms categorize creatures based on their power, influence, or status. Each realm may have its own unique rules, societies, and power dynamics. Examples of realms include Beast Warrior, Beast Lord, and Beast King.

Tier: a classification system that categorizes creatures or entities based on their level of power, abilities, or overall strength. Tiers often range from lower tiers (such as F or D) to higher tiers (such as A or S), with each tier representing an increase in power and capabilities. Higher-tier creatures are typically more formidable, possessing exceptional attributes and abilities.



F: Fragile: A creature with a fragile constitution is physically weak and susceptible to injuries and physical stress. It may struggle to endure even minor challenges and may require more time to recover from injuries.

D: Average: A creature with an average constitution has a standard level of endurance. It can withstand typical levels of physical stress and injuries without significant difficulty.

C: Resilient: A creature with a resilient constitution possesses a reasonable level of resilience. It is better able to endure moderate levels of physical stress and injuries, showing signs of recovery more quickly.

B: Hardy: A creature with a hardy constitution possesses robust physical endurance. It can withstand a considerable amount of physical stress and injuries before showing signs of fatigue or significant impact.

A: Enduring: A creature with an enduring constitution has a high level of endurance. It can endure significant physical stress and injuries for extended periods, showcasing remarkable stamina and the ability to recover relatively well.

S: Indomitable: A creature with an indomitable constitution possesses an exceptional level of endurance. It can endure extreme levels of physical stress and injuries with little to no effect, demonstrating unwavering resilience and recovery capabilities.


Feeble (F): A creature with a feeble physique is physically weak and lacks strength and power. It may struggle to exert force and may be easily overpowered by stronger opponents.

Average (D): A creature with an average physique possesses moderate physical strength. It has a balanced level of strength, neither exceptionally weak nor exceptionally strong.

Agile (C): A creature with an agile physique is nimble and able to move with decent speed and coordination. It can react swiftly and change directions quickly, making it more adept at evading attacks.

Strong (B): A creature with a strong physique possesses above-average physical strength. It can exert greater force and deliver powerful strikes, making it formidable in physical confrontations.

Powerful (A): A creature with a powerful physique has exceptional physical strength. Its strikes are forceful and can cause significant damage, making it highly formidable in combat.

Mighty (S): A creature with a mighty physique possesses extraordinary physical strength and power. Its strength surpasses that of most other creatures, allowing it to deliver devastating blows and overpower opponents with ease.


Clumsy (F): A creature with clumsy agility lacks coordination and finesse in its movements. It may be uncoordinated, making it vulnerable to tripping or stumbling during physical activities.

Average (D): A creature with average agility can move with moderate nimbleness and coordination. Its movements are generally smooth and controlled, without any remarkable speed or agility.

Nimble (C): A creature with nimble agility can move with decent speed and coordination. It possesses good reflexes and can navigate obstacles with relative ease.

Quick (B): A creature with quick agility possesses heightened reflexes and can move swiftly. It can react promptly to changing situations and has an advantage in evading attacks or launching quick offensives.

Agile (A): A creature with agile agility possesses exceptional coordination and speed. Its movements are fluid and precise, allowing it to perform complex maneuvers and engage in acrobatic actions.

Lightning-fast (S): A creature with lightning-fast agility is unparalleled in speed and reflexes. Its movements are so swift and precise that it can seemingly blur across the battlefield, making it nearly impossible to track or catch.


Instinctual (F): A creature with instinctual intelligence relies primarily on its natural instincts and basic survival skills. It may lack higher-level cognitive abilities and rely on its innate behavior patterns.

Basic (D): A creature with basic intelligence possesses simple cognitive abilities and problem-solving skills. It can learn and adapt to some extent but may struggle with complex reasoning or abstract thinking.

Average (C): A creature with average intelligence has a standard level of cognitive abilities. It can understand basic concepts, learn from experiences, and engage in simple problem-solving tasks.

Cunning (B): A creature with cunning intelligence displays cleverness and a knack for strategy. It can analyze situations, employ tactics, and use its wits to outmaneuver opponents or find solutions to challenges.

Intelligent (A): A creature with intelligent intelligence possesses above-average cognitive abilities. It can think critically, reason logically, and solve complex problems. It has a good understanding of abstract concepts and can adapt quickly to new situations.

Genius (S): A creature with genius intelligence exhibits exceptional cognitive abilities. It possesses a superior intellect, remarkable creativity, and advanced problem-solving skills. It can grasp intricate concepts, formulate innovative strategies, and find solutions to highly complex challenges.


Nonexistent (F): A creature with nonexistent magic lacks any inherent magical abilities. It is unable to tap into or utilize magical energies or manipulate supernatural forces.

Minimal (D): A creature with minimal magic has a basic understanding or access to a limited range of magical powers. Its magical abilities are limited in scope and potency.

Limited (C): A creature with limited magic can harness and utilize a small range of elemental or magical powers. Its magical abilities are moderate and can be useful in certain situations.

Adequate (B): A creature with adequate magic possesses a moderate range of magical abilities. It can access and manipulate magical energies with skill and control, providing it with versatility and effectiveness in spellcasting.

Advanced (A): A creature with advanced magic can access and manipulate a wide range of elemental or magical powers with mastery. It possesses a deep understanding of magic and can cast complex spells with precision and potency.

Mastery (S): A creature with mastery in magic is a true master of magical arts. It exhibits unparalleled skill and control over a broad spectrum of magical powers. Its magical abilities are exceptional, and it can cast powerful spells with ease and finesse.

Example :

Beast Race: Grey Wolf

Elements: None

Realm: Beast Warrior

Tier: D


Constitution: D

Physique: C

Agility: C

Intelligence: D

Magic: D

Skills and Abilities : The same (I think)


This time, the beast tamer cultivation level is like this:

Awakening Realm:

Lower-Stage: The initial stage of awakening, where individuals begin to tap into their latent potential and awaken their inner power.

Middle-Stage: The intermediate stage of awakening, where individuals further develop and refine their awakened abilities, increasing their power and control.

Advanced Stage: The highest stage of awakening within the Awakening Realm, where individuals have fully mastered their awakened abilities and reached their peak potential in this realm.

Warrior Realm:

First-Stage: The entry-level stage of the Warrior Realm, where individuals begin their journey as warriors, honing their combat skills and physical prowess.

Ninth-Stage: The highest stage of the Warrior Realm, where individuals have achieved mastery in their combat skills, possess immense strength, and are considered among the most formidable warriors.

Lord Realm:

First-Stage: The starting point of the Lord Realm, where individuals have surpassed the limits of the Warrior Realm and start cultivating more advanced abilities and techniques.

Ninth-Stage: The pinnacle of the Lord Realm, where individuals have reached a level of cultivation beyond the ordinary. They possess exceptional power, knowledge, and influence.

King Realm:

The realm beyond the Lord Realm, where individuals who have attained extraordinary power and mastery over their chosen element or skill set are recognized as kings.

Those who have reached the King Realm are referred to as kings, such as Fire King, representing their specialization in fire skills and their command over fire-related beasts.


Fire Wolf King:

A cultivator who has excelled in flame skills and has a deep affinity with Fire Wolves, a specific type of beast.

The Fire Wolf King has attained mastery over fire manipulation, possesses advanced flame techniques, and has formed a strong bond with Fire Wolves, utilizing their unique abilities in combat and exploration.

[Name: Truel]

[Race: Human]

[Realm: King]

[Talent: Flame Master]

[Tier: A]

[Beasts: Fire Wolf King]


[Constitution: C]

[Physique: C]

[Agility: B]

[Magic: A]

Also, [Agility: B] from Beast King is different from [Agility: B] from Beast Lord.

[Agility: B] from Beast King means A creature with quick agility, possesses heightened reflexes and can move swiftly Between the Beasts that are Beast Kings.

[Agility: B] from Beast Lord means A creature with quick agility, possesses heightened reflexes and can move swiftly Between the Beasts that are Beast Lords.




Easier Contracting: Beast tamers with S-tier talent have a higher success rate in forming contracts with certain beasts. They possess a natural affinity and rapport with these creatures, making it easier to establish a bond.

Beast Evolution: S-tier talent allows beast tamers to facilitate the evolution of their contracted beasts. Through their unique abilities, they can guide and accelerate the growth and development of their beasts, unlocking new forms, powers, and abilities.

Beast Strengthening: Beast tamers with S-tier talent can enhance the performance and capabilities of their contracted beasts during battles. They possess techniques and methods to augment their beasts' strength, speed, durability, and other attributes, making them formidable allies in combat.

Unique Qi Cultivation: S-tier talent enables beast tamers to cultivate and harness unique forms of Qi specific to their talent. For example, they may cultivate Dragon Qi or Frost Qi, which grants them additional powers and abilities related to dragons or frost.


Easier Contracting: A-tier talent allows beast tamers to have a higher success rate in forming contracts with certain beasts. They possess a heightened affinity and understanding of these creatures, making the contracting process smoother.

Beast Evolution: A-tier talent grants beast tamers the ability to facilitate the evolution of their contracted beasts. They can guide their beasts' growth and development, unlocking new potentials and enhancing their abilities over time.

Beast Strengthening: Beast tamers with A-tier talent can strengthen their contracted beasts during battles. They have methods and techniques to boost their beasts' combat performance and make them more resilient and formidable adversaries.


Easier Contracting: B-tier talent allows beast tamers to have a higher chance of forming contracts with certain beasts. They possess a moderate affinity and rapport with these creatures, making the contracting process somewhat smoother.

Beast Strengthening: B-tier talent enables beast tamers to enhance the combat capabilities of their contracted beasts. They can improve their beasts' physical attributes and overall performance to a certain extent, making them more effective in battle.


Basic Beast Strengthening: C-tier talent provides beast tamers with the ability to strengthen their contracted beasts during battles. However, this strengthening is limited to improving their physical stats, such as strength, speed, and durability. It does not directly affect the elemental powers or skills of the beasts.


Easier Contracting: D-tier talent offers a higher chance of forming contracts with certain beasts. Beast tamers with this talent possess a basic level of affinity and connection with these creatures, making it easier to establish a contract. However, their abilities for strengthening or evolving the beasts are limited.