"Snorkeling?" Emily stood next to Angelo, holding his arm tightly as she stared at the large body of water before her.

"Yes, my dear wife, we are going snorkeling," Angelo undoubtedly responded. He was beyond excited, while Emily looked as though she wanted to be anywhere but here. Sensing her distress, Angelo turned his attention towards his wife and saw that she was frightened. "What's wrong?" he asked her, and when Emily opted for silence rather than answering, Angelo touched the side of her face to reassure her.

"I am actually afraid of large bodies of water," she confessed. Even though she tried brushing her fear away with a smile, Angelo was well aware that it was all pretense, so he smiled at her.

"I guess we won't be snorkeling today then," he said, kissing Emily lightly on her forehead. She turned her head with the utmost speed and stared at Angelo like he had lost his mind.