
Emily's head hurt badly; the pain was so much that she could barely open her eyes for fear that the pain would increase. She had no idea what was happening around her or why she was feeling the way she was. There was one thing that she was certainly sure of, and that was the fact that she smelled gas, leaving her to wonder where the smell was coming from.

Come on, open your eyes. She forced herself, only to realize that she was in a car and it was upside down. Emily tried to scream, but her throat was sore, and there was liquid rolling down the side of her face; it was blood. She would recognize the smell of blood from anywhere.

She turned her head to the side with the very little energy that she had. Emily realized that there was a man beside her that she did not quite recognize; he was strapped in his car seat, his eyes were shut, and he too was bleeding prefusely.