Season 2 Chapter 17

She looked much older and more mature than last time, she has lost weight, her hair looked dry, there were dark circles under her eyes, Ayame stood in front of me with a wide smile over her face as if she had been waiting for this reunion for ages.

Ayame: You have grown up so much, it's been almost five years right? Don't touch cats…the coach is allergic to furs, she will scold you. (She kept that annoying smile while speaking, I started walking past her as if she didn't exist but she grabbed my wrist) Anne…. Can't you forgive me? (She had a pleading tone in her voice)

Me: (I yanked my hand away staring at her coldly) You came to the wrong person.

Ayame: Anne! (She shouted my name then regained her composure and smiled) Everyone will be relieved when they hear that the captain is finally back. Our teammates were disappointed when they heard about your departure. (She bites her lower lip) They always felt that you were the only one qualified to become captain.

Me: (I raised my brow giving her a confused look) Captain? Me? What are you saying? I became captain only because my mother was the 'coach'. (My expression turned cold again) That's what you said about me, remember? A talentless product who is abusing her mother's power. Now, please excuse me.

Ayame: Anne…. Please listen to me…. Please ….(she bites her lower lip while murmuring softly) I am sorry….(her eyes started tearing up)

Me: (I sighed while facing her) Sorry for what? Tell me the exact reason….Ayame. (my voice was calm yet impatient)

Ayame: For spreading rumours about you, for bullying you, for being greedy, everything. (She bows her head apologizing) I am sorry for everything that I did to you, please help the team, it's falling apart….coach is really sad….(tears rolled down from her eyes as she kept bowing)

Me: Mom…she won't force me to do something against my wish, so you don't have to worry about her….I know how to handle my own mother. Secondly, look at my face, does it seem like I give any fucks regarding that loser team? The only reason I was holding on that was because of Maria and Hana sis, and without them, there is no point. (I said while trying to control my anger) Ayame, I will give you a final chance….tell me….what are you sorry for? (I stared at her with uninterested eyes)

Ayame: (she glanced at my face for a second and choked noticing my cold eyes) I-I…F-For….b-bullying….(she bites her lower lip as her body started trembling) Please don't hit me….(she rubs her arms while looking down biting her lips harder her expression started changing into anger and hatred) Why are you doing this to me!! I know I hurt you, and I am sorry for that! But do you have any idea what you did to me?! My boyfriend broke up with me, my family isolated me, I don't have any friends, coach doesn't trust me anymore, and the team fell apart because they got frustrated with my leadership!!! And all this happened because of you! (She shouted while pointing her finger) I HATE YOU! YOU ARE MY WORST NIGHTMARE! (she chokes more as her breathing becomes shallow) Why did you make me so miserable? I know I am wrong…and I am apologizing for it, so why are you-.

Me: (I cut her short while rubbing my forehead feeling frustrated then gave out a sarcastic laugh) I already told you, that you have come to the wrong person, there is no point in apologizing to me. You don't even realise your mistakes, yet you feel entitled to forgiveness. I am not merciful enough to accept an apology from a nuisance who harms my loved ones. Though I will give you a small piece of advice, start a new life, instead of trying to fix something that is already out of your hands.

Ayame: (she takes a deep breath to calm her anger) You must be satisfied right?... feeling happy that you ruined my life?

Me: You know what's your problem? You think you are important. Ayame…don't confuse me with yourself, revenge doesn't give anyone satisfaction or happiness….just kidding. (I patted her cheek while smiling) You look much worse than I imagined. (I let out a small laugh) Unfortunately you didn't learn your lessons. But I am satisfied, I hate you…not because you bullied me, rather because you touched my people. You could have ended in a correction institution, but I wanted you to burn slowly. Ayame, congratulations, you have successfully ruined your own life due to your stupidity. (I bowed at her with a sarcastic expression before walking off)

Don't we live in a weird society? Here sinners forget their sins and victims are left with deep scars, "I am sorry please forgive me, oh you won't accept my apology? You ruined my life and now you won't accept my apology? I promise that I have changed, please accept my apology, can we go back to old times? Oh did you just accept my apology and thought that everything will go back to normal? Are you a fool? Who told you to trust me again? It's your fault that you trusted me, did I ask you to trust me? I am really sorry, I won't do this again!" and this cycle keeps on continuing until the victim becomes cold and gains insecurities, this 'sorry' cannot fix anything….until you understand your fault and actually try to own it, there is no point of apologizing. People are so used to manipulating, and gaslighting those who are emotionally weaker, that they forget they are the biggest joke of nature. But manipulating is fun, and I am a devil of my own life, I am a joke, I love controlling miserable people, I have impure blood from my father's side and I can't wash my hands off those sins, there is a special place in hell reserved for me, so I will live my life unapologetically, fuck everyone, not literally though.

To be continued....