Season 3 Chapter 27

Two days before leaving, I visited Mr. Gunther in his office, the old man seemed concerned regarding the football club, he notified me that Director's son was hell bent to disband the club for some reason. Apparently his name was Bruce, he was around our age and a good friend of Karl, and Karl seemed to use this tramp card for his own benefits. I knew that nothing was going to be smooth, when I was forced to get involved in this shit, but now wasn't the time to back out. Whoever this motherfucker is, I will deal with them after my trip. For now, I just want to relax and deal with my own problems. On the day of our departure, Jules knocked outside my room, she seemed awkward and embarrassed, she stretched her hand, giving me a box wrapped in gift wrapper.

Jules: Uhm….(she rubs the back of her neck feeling shy) I am sorry….for entering your room without permission…. Please accept this….(she avoids looking in my eyes)

Me: (I raised my brow in suspicion while unwrapping the box, it was a new cellphone) This…..(I was struggling to get a new phone after breaking the old one due to my anger, each day)

Jules: Uhm…..I am sorry…..I won't ever enter your room without permission…..(she fidgets her fingers while feeling guilty)

Me: Thank you….(I said while pulling her into a warm hug) Thank you so much…..(I felt so emotional that it was hard to express)

Jules: It's not much…..(she smiled while hugging me)

Me: Maybe for you, but for me, it's priceless. (I said while trying to control my expressions)

After we went back to Japan, we met Jules' mother, it was a heart-touching reunion for them, her mother asked me to take care Jules and blessed me. Jules stayed with her aunt, and kept on updating me regarding her mother's health. Meanwhile me, I was staying alone at my own house, my parents were on a vacation, and Angela came now and then to keep me company but mostly she was busy with her tight schedule. Sometimes I feel bad for her, she hardly gets time for herself, she is always busy, which impacts on her daily routine, her foods are restricted, her schooling is affected, above all, there is a deep impact on her emotions. my parents have been rethinking if they should withdraw her from the acting industry.

Anyways, I thought of visiting the orphanage before meeting Hana sis, many things have changed over the years, the orphanage was almost empty, most of the children either got adopted or were sent to boarding schools for further education. New faces were seen, one of them caught my attention, she was a 4 year old girl, the caretaker informed me that her parents abandoned her in front of the orphanage when she was an infant, and since then the child was staying there. I played with the children for sometime before leaving for my meeting.

Standing in front of the old practice ground, I closed my eyes getting nostalgic, I closed my eyes taking a deep breath, enjoying the breeze. I was mentally prepared for everything, all those nightmares have shown me the worst versions and nothing can surprise me any longer, or at least that's what I thought.

Hana: Anne?....(she tapped my shoulder)

I turned around and my jaw dropped, her long black hair was now over her shoulder, she was in her office uniform with light makeup on her face, she seemed to have gained 2-3 Kgs since the last time I saw her, but above all, she was on her feet! Without any wheelchair or support, she was walking around perfectly, through there was some old scars, except that, she seemed to be nothing like my outrageous imagination.

Me: Sis….how?....I-I thought….(I started stammering, there was overwhelming happiness and confusion)

Hana: Ah…my legs healed completely within a year or two, though it still hurts slightly during winters, so doctors recommended me to get some physiotherapy or else it might be a problem during future, except that everything is alright. (She said with a wide grin over her face)

Me: Why didn't you tell me?....(I felt betrayed)

Hana: (she lifts her eyebrow then pulls my cheek hard) I didn't ? Or rather you made sure that I couldn't reach out to you? blocked my number, changed your phone number, ran away like criminal trying to hide from your crime. Wtf Anne, do you even have the slightest idea how much worried I was? At a point of time, even your parents didn't know what was going on in your life, who does this? How can you be so careless? What if something had happened to you? (She says with her voice filled with concerned) And after ignoring my continuous requests to meet you, now you are feeling betrayed? Unbelievable. (She frowns)

Me: I….I am sorry….(I felt guilty as I looked down)

Hana: (she smiles faintly while stroking my head and staring at the field) Want to play a match?

Me: (I blinked in disbelief while gazing at her face) What?....

Hana: I thought, we can refresh our old memories before sitting down to talk about life?....(she said laughing nervously)

I agreed to her request, and after an intense match, we both realized that we were losing our touch, my father would be really disappointed at me, if he knew regarding this, I needed to start practicing harder to get better. Anyways, this helped us relive the old memories and made us feel refreshed.

Hana: (she sat on the grass, feeling out of breath, she stared at her feet while trying to relax) It was refreshing…. After all these years…..(she grinned)

Me: (I bit my lower lip) I am sorry….. because of me…..

Hana: Nothing happened because of you….. everything was my personal decision. I did return to the team, but by then Ayame had already fucked up, it was horrible to watch. I felt it was better to leave, then life hit, responsibility fell on my shoulders, when responsibilities come, dreams start fainting. (She finally looks at me) Anne…. Please stop blaming yourself, you make me feel guilty for standing up against injustice.

Me: I…..(I pressed my upper lip against my lower lip while running my fingers through my hair) So….you don't hate me?

Hana: (she blinks then starts laughing) Is that what you have been thinking all these years? Of course I don't hate you, why should I hate the person who saved my life? If it weren't for you, I might have either lost my legs or maybe my life. (She pats my head) Thank you. (She smiled) It's time that you move on, stop running from your past, it wasn't your fault. (She kissed my forehead) Anne….I couldn't fulfill my dreams because of family circumstances, it has nothing to do with you, so stop blaming yourself. (She said while reassuring me)

Me: I am sorry….I should have met and spoken with you …..I am sorry….(I hugged my legs, everything felt like a dream, it was peaceful and felt unrealistic)

Hana: (she cups my cheeks making me look at her) Stop apologizing! (She said sighing) Anne….I couldn't fulfill my dream….but I want you to fulfill yours. You always wanted to play football and become a coach when you grow up. So please….for me….for yourself, pursue your dreams. Alright? (I nodded slightly) Tell me, how is Germany treating you, do you have any friends?

Me: I have some acquaintances….(I said as I started telling her everything from the beginning)

After hours of chatting, we finally parted ways. Something felt light in my heart, after years of buried emotions, my body felt like feature, the child in me was finally satisfied. Hana sis said that I deserve happiness, and I thought it was time to move on, and give myself a second chance. Maybe it was time for a new beginning? As soon as I reached home, I dialed Maria's number to inform her regarding my decision. After few tries, she finally picked up the call.

Maria: (She seemed in a rush) Sorry Anne, I am kind of busy right now, my father is being transferred again, so we are shifting.

Me: Ah, where are you going? (I asked out of curiosity)

Maria: Well….(she paused for a second then changed the topic) Yes mom! I am coming! Sorry Anne, I will call you some other time. It is really fucked up right now. (She said before disconnecting the call)

Me: (I frowned) What the ...(my phone started ringing, this time it was Victoria) Hey?

Victoria: Hello….Anne….(she pants while she speaks) I have decided to leave the team, don't ask me anything, don't tell anyone regarding it, I am sorry.

Me: Hey! Wait! What's going on? Don't take any decision right now, let me return to Germany and discuss before you choose to leave, hey?....hey! (She had already disconnected the call, and when I tried to call her, the phone was switched off)

Everything was going downhill, I didn't understand what was going to happen, only one month was left for the deadline, but nothing was working out.

[Author's note: Hey guys! This is the end of season 3! Hope you enjoyed the story till now, leave a comment on how you liked the story so far! >~< I will be back soon with season 4!]

To be continued .....