Season 4 Chapter 3

I learned that Victoria had skipped classes since the last time she called me. She has been absent for nearly a week now, and these idiots have lost contact with her. My head started aching to hear such news, I knew my luck sucked, but this was too much. I was getting worried but thought of dealing with it after school hours. Before that, I needed to deal with another asshole, I thought before advancing towards the B section; there I stood In front of the door, scanning the environment before entering.

The atmosphere was different from our class; all eyes fell on me, and I could feel the pressure of being judged. I was searching for Hope and her friend Irina when a girl approached me. Her black hair was cut above her shoulder, and bangs covered her forehead. Her round hazel eyes fixed on me, her pale skin looked anemic, and her body was skinny yet fit.

Ratree: (She stretched her hand, greeting me.) Hello, I am Ratree. It's nice to meet you.

Me: (I smiled while feeling awkward as I greeted back) I am Anne. (I felt like I had seen her somewhere before; her presence seemed familiar) Uhm….have you seen Hope?....(I said while feeling uncomfortable with her gaze)

Ratree: (she still held my hand while speaking) Ya…I think they went to the washroom; want me to accompany you?

Me: N-No. (I hesitated; this was the first time I had such feelings as if I was being watched)

Ratree: Ah, there they are. (She said, staring at the door as I turned back and noticed Hope entering with a Girl who seemed to be in her Emo phase).

Irina looked exactly like Thomas described; her short hair with red highlights marked her boldness as she walked around with pride. Both of them looked like opposite to each other. Irina was like a black cat, reserved, observant, and proud, whereas Hope was like a golden retriever, carefree, jolly, and friendly. Leaving Ratree, I approached these two as I smiled at Hope.

Hope: Hey, how are you? (She grinned)

Irina: (she seemed to get her guard up as she looked at me suspiciously) Who is this? (She asked Hope)

Hope: This is Anne; she is from section A. (Hope introduced us)

Me: (I greeted Irina) Nice to meet you.

Irina: Ah….that bitch who tried to manipulate you into joining that clown of a team? (She raised her eyebrow while speaking in a sarcastic tone, I bit my lower lip while glaring at her)

Hope: Irina! Don't be rude! (She said pulling Irina's cheek) I am sorry Anne, usually she is polite, I don't know why she is behaving like this. (She sighed)

Irina: Why are you taking her side? (She pouts)

Me: Uhm….I didn't mind her words. (I forced a smile over my lips)

Hope: So, what brought you here? (She asked out of curiosity)

Me: Well, I was thinking, if both of you would be interested in joining our team. (I said giving them the club posters)

Hope: Uhm….(she hesitated while stealing glances at Irina)

Irina: (she gives me a hateful look) Heh! I knew it! You two faced bitch! Get out! (She said grabbing my collar)

Hope: Calm down Irina. (She sighed)

Me: Fine, I am leaving, but I hope that you both will give it a thought. (I said while yanking her hand away before exiting the classroom)

I walked down the corridor getting my thoughts in order, it was getting hectic, the clock was ticking, and each moments were precious, but everything was getting out of control. "I hate this." This feeling was alien to me, I wanted to fix this as fast as possible.

Irina: Hey! (I turned back as I noticed Irina walking up to me fuming with anger)

Me: What? (I raised my brow)

Irina: Listen you bitch. (She says in a whispering tone) Stay away from my bestie. She is too innocent and easy going, she doesn't understand that the world is a wrenched place, please like you are hyenas who try to use others and then discard them.

Me: (I sighed) Hey, can we do this some other day?

Irina: (she blinks while staring at me in disbelief) What?....

Me: Yeah….I am too tired of dramas, and done for the day. Let's continue this, some other day. (I said smiling faintly and patting her shoulder)

Irina: (her anger turned into confusion) Are you a crackhead? (She asks in disbelief)

Me: Maybe….I never thought it through, you might be right. But I must say, I am disappointed after meeting you, I thought you would be a badass cool woman who would be ready to take up challenges, seriously….I think I need to tell Thomas to change his perspective about you. (I said showing my sympathy for her)

Irina: (her cheeks gets flustered after hearing my words) Wait….how do you know Thomas? (She felt shy)

Me: Who knows? (I said smirking before turning my back) Adios amigo. (I said before waving my hand and walked off)

Irina: WAIT! At least tell me! How the fuck do you know him?! (I could hear her frustrated voice echoing through the corridor but choose to ignore her pleads)

It was fun watching her get hyper over my words, it also meant that Irina might have feelings for Thomas as well, which could help me with my plan. I was near the staff room when I noticed Lotte sneaking around, as she pours oil on the floor, waiting for her prey to fall for it.

I sighed knowing that Lotte won't stop pulling pranks, no matter how many times I request her, so it's important that being the older person in this situation, I need to show her the consequences of her actions. Lotte was hiding in a place where one cannot find her easily, I smirked before stepping on the exact spot where she spread her trap as I slipped and fell on purpose. I groaned in pain making sure Lotte witnesses each moment of my act. Her mischievous face turned into guilt as she fled from the spot unable to react to the unfolding situation.

A crowd gathered In front of the staff room as people helped me stand up, teachers yelled demanding who pulled such vulgar pranks but everyone remained silent.

Me: It's fine, please don't scold anyone. (I said pleadingly)

Aoi: Let me take you to the Nurse's room. (She said while helping me stand)

Drama teacher Aoi, she is a middle aged Japanese woman, who is unmarried, her tall figure was strong and slightly muscular, she is famous around the school for being kind-hearted and understanding, school crush of many boys. This was the first time I am meeting her in person, and she did justice to the rumour as she took me to the nurse and waited for me. After I walked out of the Nurse room, she made sure that I was alright before taking her departure. Everything about her was perfect except….her face made me feel Déjà vu, as if I have seen her before but not in school, instead somewhere else. But no matter how much I tried to remember, it was useless.

Emilia: Look who is here. (I heard her horse like voice as my whole body icked with disgust) I thought that you must have quit by now. (She smiled as I turned back to face her)

Me: (I murmured to myself) When will this day end?....(I sighed)

Emilia: Why don't you give up? (She tilts her head)

Me: I forgot to add that word in my dictionary. (I shrugged) So, if you excuse me, I have other works to do, than entertaining you. (I smiled politely but my words were sharp)

Emilia: You don't have any ounce of respect for your teachers. (She said frowning)

Me: I respect those who deserves it. (I smiled before walking past her)

Emilia: I am being nice to you, that team won't work, at least in my watch. (She said before walking off)

I didn't understand what was her problem, why she was so hell bent to ruin her own school's image. She disgusted me, and I didn't wanted to deal with her yet, there was time for this. Right now I need to go and meet Victoria and convince her to return.

To be continued....