Season 5 chapter 10

I don't know what Brother Leo and Jules spoke among themselves. Neither was I interested. All I knew was, Jules cried a lot that night and Brother Leo was fuming before he left. Ever since that day, Brother Leo started avoiding Jules like a plague, and broke all contacts with her. Though this didn't affect his friendship with brother Hinata. Somewhere I felt bad for Jules but at the same time I was glad that things were sorted out before it could get out of hand. Though I still maintained some distance from Jules, she tried to make up for her mistakes through her unnecessary humor. Well, it doesn't really matter much, they are just my pawns to complete my mission and once done, they would be useless. For now, I can't discard them from my life, as I need them. "So Anne….just control your unnecessary emotions and start with the next step." I thought to myself, as there was much work to be done. The team was still incomplete and I had only few days left till the deadline.

I fastened my steps towards the school building, unknown to the fact that few surprises were waiting for me. Karl landed near my feet begging me for forgiveness in front of the whole school, along with his friends, none of them had visible injuries, yet they could hardly move. I was surprised that Brother Leo would be so rational while fighting, but I was sure that King handled the matter smoothly. Though there was someone else who seemed more surprised by the changing demure of Karl. Bianca couldn't believe her eyes as she started fuming watching Karl on his knees begging to me.

Karl: P-Please forgive me…..(his eyes were filled with tears) I am a dumbass, I failed to notice that Mr. King and Mr. Leo are your elder brothers. I am so sorry…..I promise I would never pull something like this again. I won't even cross your path, just forgive me. (He slaps his own cheeks like a mad person while crying)

Bianca: What the heck Karl! Do you even realise how much embarrassing you are right now?! (She shouts at his face)

Karl: (he stands up and slaps Bianca) Shut up you bitch! This mess happened because of you! It was your plan to Photoshop those pictures! And because of that, I got into trouble and offended Mr. King!

Bianca: (she stared at him in disbelief then bit her lower lip hard speaking in a low voice) Did...did you just dared to slap me, in front of the whole crowd? (She slapped him back) You dumbass, how dare you offend me? I will make sure that you repay for this. (She says before storming off)

Karl: (his face turns pale as he watches Bianca walking away) Bianca! (He shouts her name but she didn't bothered then his eyes moved towards me) uhm….A-Anne….S-So….

Me: Fuck off. (I said before turning around and advancing towards class)

Karl stood there stunned, as he couldn't decide which way should he take. He knew that he had fucked up badly this time, and it was more important to cool down Bianca than dealing with me. Whatever he choose, he was already doomed. But atleast we can rest assured that these bastards won't disturb us for a long time. During class, I sat at the last bench to avoid interaction, I could feel the eyes fixed on me and hushed murmurs on their lips.

Classmate 1: Hey, did you see that? Karl was begging Anne for forgiveness.

Classmate 2: Apparently she is Leo and King's younger sister.

Classmate 3: Who are they?

Classmate 2: Our super seniors. They were quite popular in this school.

Classmate 1: Ah!! I know them. Dang, Anne is really something huh. Having such cool brothers.

Classmate 4: How could Karl spread fake rumors. Tsk I never liked him in first place.

Classmate 3: He is annoying, glad someone showed him where he belongs.

Classmate 1: Do you think Bianca and Karl will breakup?

Classmate 2: I bet, who will stay with that loser anyway?

The teacher's piercing gaze silenced them as they closed their lips and focused on the lesson. Resting my head on the desk, I shut my eyes, yearning for sleep, unwilling to engage with anyone or endure another tedious lecture. Suddenly, I found myself thrust into the limelight, dubbed the 'popular' kid of the school, with both teachers and students looking to me for guidance. "This is… uncomfortable," I thought, wishing I could vanish. I knew this would happen the moment people discovered Leo and King were my brothers. It had always been like this since childhood; girls sought me out to get closer to King, while others clamored for educational help from Leo. "I despise this," I muttered under my breath. There goes my semblance of a peaceful school life—though, in truth, it had never been peaceful—but at least nobody paid attention to my existence before… until Karl ruined everything.

After classes, I advanced towards the club room. It would be a lie if I say that I didn't missed them, rather there wasn't a second they were out of my mind. The clubroom was my new escape place where I was surrounded by their embrace and it wasn't that bad. I needed to complete the team….but then what? What am I supposed to do after helping them out? I never thought of that. Was I supposed to return to my dark corner with loneliness? It wasn't that bad of an idea of being left alone but then again, it wasn't something that should be happening. I was already too used to their presence and now I couldn't imagine my life without them. As my steps went nearer towards the football ground, my heartbeat increased due to sudden anxiety, how would they react to my return? Anticipations crossed my mind. Would they be happy? Disappointed because I hid such a big secret from them or wouldn't even be bothered with my presence?

Soon the anxiety turned into curiosity and disbelief as I noticed Lotte and Ratree hanging out with the team.

Me: (I frowned staring at their faces) What are you doing here? (I asked)

Victoria: (she pats my shoulder) Welcome back. (She says proudly)

As those words reached my ears, a wave of warmth flooded my heart. Glancing at Victoria, a wide smile spread across my face. Soon, the entire team enveloped me in a welcoming embrace, making me feel valued in a way I had never experienced before. It was an indescribable sensation, a feeling of belonging that transcended words. In that moment, I realized that perhaps I had finally discovered a place that truly felt like home. "No…..what am I even thinking?.....they are just mere pawns, nothing more." I shook off those nonsensical ideas from my head.

Choon Hee: Welcome back Anne! (She hugs me tightly)

Bella: Hey. (She waves at me from some distance)

Hope: Glad to see you. (She says before hugging me along with Choon Hee)

Irina: Can I get a hug too? (She asks Hope with puppy eyes)

Hope: Not today. (She replies while still hugging me)

Irina: Agh…..(she pouts and sulks at a corner)

Christina: Can I join in the group hug? (Her eyes sparkles with expectations)

Maria: Uhm….guys…..Anne doesn't like intimate touches. (She hesitated)

Choon Hee: Hm? (She looks at me) Is it true?

Me: Uhm….no. it's fine…I don't mind. (I said while hugging them back and staring at Maria)

Maria: (her face drops for a second as she murmurs to herself) Right…..

Maria was right, intimate actions does make me feel uncomfortable since childhood, except for my family and small children, I never really liked being hugged or held by anyone else. But for some reason…..I didn't mind. Rather I was secretly enjoying this attention, it felt new….. people concerning regarding me and being genuinely nice wasn't something one gets easily. I was glad that my hard work was paying off but I craved for more. Was it greed? I don't know, neither do I care, I want them to love me and place their attention towards me. I wanted them be dependent on me, so that they cannot leave me behind and stay with me forever. No…..what am I even thinking?.....that's just selfish...but is it wrong to be selfish? Is it that bad to have desires? How am I wrong for craving for something I never had in first place?

Julie: I am glad that you are doing well. (She smiled brightly)

Me: Thank you. (I smiled before leaving Choon Hee and Hope) Now…..(I returned my attention towards Lotte and Ratree) Will you care to explain, what is going on here?

Julie: Both of them are now part of the team. (She said smiling)

Me: Are they?.....(I stood in front of Lotte who flinched like a cat. I bent on my knees and looked in her eyes) Are you sure that you want to join this team? (To be honest, I never even thought of bringing Lotte in this team and also Ratree was like out of topic for me.)

Lotte: (she nods) I want to spend more time with you. (She said looking down at the grass) I was feeling lonely…

Me: I am sorry. (I said hugging her)

Lotte: (she burst into tears while hugging me) I hate you! You disappeared without telling me! I thought you left me like my father!

Me: I am sorry, I will try never to repeat my mistakes. (I said while kissing her head) Good girl, now wipe your tears. (I said taking out a chocolate from my pocket).

Lotte: (snatches the chocolate from my hand and pouts) Fine, I will forgive you.

Me: Thank you. (I smiled then glared at Ratree) and what is your motive?

Ratree: I…..Uhm…..hehe. (she sweats)

Before I could press her further, Jules came running towards us with a wide smile over her face. Everyone's face turned dark as soon as they saw her. "Ah….." it felt fresh watching people hate someone just for my sake, doesn't it means, that these people actually care regarding me, instead of showing fake concerns? Somewhere it made me happy and satisfied to watch them treat Jules like an air.

Jules: Hey guys...(her smile becomes faint) Uhm….(She fidgets her fingers) I am sorry….that day I lost my mind...and...

Julie: Please apologize to Anne, not us. (She said coldly)

Jules: I already did, and Anne already forgave…..Can I rejoin the team? (She bit her lower lip while anticipating)

Julie: (she folds her arms) No.

Victoria: We have decided to boycott you from our group. And it was a joint decision. (She said supporting Julie while others nodded in agreement)

Jules: P-Please…. Don't be so cruel…..(her eyes turns moist as she stares at me)

Me: (I sighed then forced a smile over my lips and pulled Jules towards me) Come on guys, don't be so rigid. Jules have already apologized and I have forgiven her. There is no point of dragging this incident.

Julie: Anne, are you sure? (She asked concerned)

Me: (I nodded) ofcourse! Come now, stop this fight. We are all friends and friends stick together through thick and thin.

Jules: Thank you Anne…..(she hugs me tightly)

Me: There there...(I smiled before leaning towards her ear and whispering in a low voice, so that no one can hear me) Don't think, that I truly forgave you, if you truly want forgiveness, prove yourself useful. Now, smile before they doubt anything.

Jules: (she bit her lower lip feeling hurt then forced a smile over face looking at others) I promise that I won't repeat this again.

Julie: Fine….(She sighs) Welcome back to the team.

Jules: Thank you. (She smiles faintly)

Bruce: (he pops out of nowhere) Congratulations, so the team is finally complete.

Julie: Ah right. (She blinks in disbelief) The team is actually complete.

Victoria: (Pats Julie's shoulder) congratulations Captain.

Choon Hee: Congrats captain! (She grins)

Jules: Yesh! We did it!! (She jumps excited)

Bella: Mhm. (She smiled)

Irina: (hi-fi Hope) Yippee!

Hope: Yay!

Christina: Finally! (She grins)

Maria: Congrats. (She said)

Lotte: What's so exciting about this? (She pouts)

Ratree: (she clicks a picture of this moment) Interesting …..(she smiled)

Me: (I smiled murmuring to myself) At last….

I thought to myself, but there was not much satisfaction, even though I was happy but there was a hint of sadness. My whole motive was to bring new members to the team, now that it's finally over, I started to lose my purpose. Now what? What am I supposed to do? I never thought regarding it, and neither wanted to think. I was a bit disappointed, and felt helpless, but didn't wanted to show the negative side and could only smile.

Bruce: Well, to celebrate this moment, I have decided to treat you all with pizzas. (He smirks)

Jules: Yay, pizza! (She says with excitement)

 Victoria: I guess that's a good idea. (She says feeling satisfied)

Julie: Thank you for the treat. (She says in a low voice)

Me: Pizza sounds good. (I smiled)

Christina: Indeed. (Agrees)

We all agreed to go for pizzeria after the club activities. Upon reaching there, we placed our orders and sat on the chairs after joining the table together, soon Thomas and Paul joined us, as they say beside Hope and Irina respectively. I would be frank, it felt like third wheeling but in a group. Bruce kept on staring at Julie, only to be ignored. Poor boy, needs to speak his mind before it's too late. The orders arrived, as we enjoyed the pizza, but I could feel eyes fixed on me, as I hesitated looking at them.

Me: Want to say something? (I raised my brow)

Julie: Uhm…. Actually …..we want to thank you for helping us out. So we prepared a small gift. (She hesitates before standing up and placing a jersey in front of me) please accept this gift on our behalf.

Me: What type of sick joke is this? (I frowned getting up from the chair)

I stared at the jersey as old memories flashed in my mind, even the sight of it, made me feel nostalgic and nauseous. I knew what was going on here and who have put such ridiculous idea in their mind to force me to join the team. But why should I?.....Is Julie even qualified to be my captain? Look at her, she was still the same. A crybaby and pathetic weakling, why should a nobody gets to lead me? I don't even like this idea.

Victoria: Anne this isn't a joke…..we really want you to join our team. (She said)

Me: Enough! (I got agitated) Julie….I hope you would take out this ridiculous idea from your mind and have some self-reflection. Do you really think, that you are prepared to have someone like me in your team? (I said before walking towards the door) I hope, you will become capable enough before even bringing up this topic.

Victoria: Anne! How dare you! (She shouted but the shouts fell into deaf ears)

Julie: (bit her lower lip as tears flowed down from her eyes, she starts wiping her eyes while forcing a smile over her lips) Don't scold her Victoria…..she is right. I am weak…..but trust me, I will work hard and bring her to our team. I promise. (She says while trying to stop her tears)

Bruce: (he holds Julie's hand and smiles) You aren't weak, you just need to work on yourself a bit to prove her wrong.

Julie nods slightly while smiling, everyone gets concerned regarding her, as they try to console her, but I didn't felt bad for saying the reality. If she actually wanted me to join her team, she needed to prove that she was ready to keep me under control and make me listen to her commands. Or else how am I supposed to consider her a captain, when the leader herself is a meek person?


To be continued....