Season 6 Chapter 3

Amidst the roar of the crowd, I stood there, lost in a sea of emotions. It was a feeling I hadn't experienced in what seemed like forever. A sense of pride washed over me, rejuvenating my spirit. I felt alive, as if I had been reborn after a long period of darkness. My body felt light, my mind clear, and my heart filled with a newfound passion. Memories of my childhood flooded back, overwhelming me with nostalgia. It was as though I was reliving every joyous moment, every innocent dream. And in that moment, I realized something profound—I had finally found the courage to confront the scars of my past.

The applause of the crowd continued, but amidst the noise, I found solace in the quiet realization that I had overcome the fears that once held me back. A smile of contentment graced my lips as I turned to my team, who were celebrating their victory with embraces and laughter. As Julie enthusiastically hugged everyone in the midst of the excitement, her arms inadvertently wrapped around Bruce, who stood there, taken aback by the unexpected embrace. His cheeks flushed red, utterly perplexed by the sudden turn of events. Julie, noticing Bruce's bewildered expression, blushed faintly herself, realizing her mistake. She quickly composed herself, pretending as though nothing out of the ordinary had occurred, and smoothly shifted her attention to Thomas, enveloping him in a hug.

Amused by Julie's clumsy attempt to cover up the mishap, we couldn't help but chuckle softly at the sight. Julie, now wearing a slight pout, carried on with her charade, unaware that we had seen through her playful antics. Despite Julie's efforts to play it cool, her playful antics didn't escape our notice. As she turned away, trying to salvage the situation with a hug for Thomas, we exchanged knowing glances, unable to contain our amusement. It was clear that Julie's intentions were pure, albeit a bit clumsy, and her endearing awkwardness only added to the joyous atmosphere of the moment.

Bruce, still slightly flustered from the unexpected embrace, couldn't help but smile at Julie's antics, wondering if Julie shared the same feelings as him and that hug wasn't unintentional. His face was filled with excitement and curiosity as he tiptoes towards me with a bright expression over his face.

Bruce: Did you notice? She just hugged me. Does it mean?.... (He whispers)

Me: Shut your trap and wipe off that drool. Don't make it so obvious. (I frowned)

Bruce: Tsk. (He pouts)

Victoria: So, this was our first win huh. (She smiles proudly)

Jules: This is only the beginning, we will win the trophy this year! (She grins)

Me: Calm your horses. (I said rolling my eyes) This was just the first match, no need for over excitement.

Choon Hee: Come on Anne, there is no harm in celebrating small victories. (She winks)

Christina: Yeah! (She grins while placing her arm on Choon Hee's shoulder) After all, for few of us, it was their life's first game. (She says while looking at Hope, Irina, Ratree, Lotte and Bella)

Irina: First, but not the last. (She smirks)

Hope: Anne, everything was possible because of you. (She smiles softly)

Me: Meh. (I rolled my eyes pouting)

Julie: (she embraces me with tears in her eyes) Thank you...

Me: (I frowned noticing Emilia watching us then pushed Julie away) Enough. I will wash and return this jersey, tomorrow. Don't dare to play further tricks.

Julie: Anne...please. You are a valuable asset for our team. (She pleads)

Victoria; How can you leave after doing so much for the team? (She bit her lower lip)

Jules: Ya Anne, we can't do this without you. (She says)

Choon Hee: Come on Anne. (The more they plead the more my pride swelled)

Irina: Come on Anne, we need you. (She pouts as Hope nodded in agreement)

Christina: Please Anne. (She begs)

Maria: (she wraps her arm around her neck and pulls me towards her) If your ego is satisfied, drop this drama. (She whispers in my ear in a warning tone)

Me: Tsk. Fine. (I replied then stared at Julie with a serious expression over my face) Before I decide, I want to ask something to the Captain.

Julie: (she looks in my eyes hesitating slightly) Yes?

Me: I would like to repeat my question from that day. (I sighed. Before placing my hand on Julie's shoulder and bent towards her, as our eyes locks with each other) Do you really think, that you are prepared to have someone like me in your team? (This time it was a genuine question, instead of anger or pride, it was more of a concern, knowing my own personality, if Julie fails to show her strength, I am more likely to rebel.)

Julie: (she stares at my face for a second before speaking her mind) Anne, I cannot say that I am completely prepared to give a proper answer to your question, but all I can say is that, trust me, I will grow with experience. (She gains more and more confidence as she continues to speak)I might not be a good captain, and have lots of flaws, but I would give everything for this team to shine. (Throughout the conversation, she doesn't loses her eye contact.) So please, give me one chance to prove my worth to you. (She says with her eyes locked in mine, hoping for an answer)

Me: Hah...haha…..(I laughed softly watching her confidence, it wasn't a mockery, rather I felt proud. The little bird has started to spread her wings and about to fly away at any moment.) Fine, don't forget your promise. (She nods) Now that, you all are insisting so much, I can no longer be stubborn. (I smirked)

Jules: Yes! (She jumps with excitement)

Maria: Finally this bitch got over her ego. (She murmurs while smirking)

Me: I still got what I wanted. (I whispered back, as everyone hugged me excitedly, I could feel Emilia's eyes fixed on me)

Emilia: Heh, now I know why you placed incompetent fools in this team. It was your plan since the beginning, so that you can enter the club and become a hero. (She says while frowning)

Gunther: Miss Emilia. Come to my office, I need to talk with you. (He ordered)

Emilia: but Vice-director! This bitch! (She shouts while pointing at me as I frowned)

Gunther: Enough! Stop embarrassing our school's reputation in front of outsiders! Or else we will have to fire you! (He says while fuming)

Emilia: (she whines) I am sorry.

Gunther: Now leave, and meet me at my office. (He says before smiling at us) Congratulations everyone, unfortunately the Director had to leave, but he extended his greetings. (He said before leaving along with Emilia)

While we spoke with each other, Lucia and her teammates walked up to us and congratulated our team with good sportsman spirit. Lucia went ahead and hugged Julie with a wide smile, as she glanced at me every now and then.

Lucia: Congratulations! (She grins)

Julie: Thank you. (She smiles)

Lucia: (she then walks up to me and shakes hand with me) Your kick remains as stunning as ever, a timeless inspiration. (She says gulping her spit while putting her thoughts together) Today, after years of longing, my dream has finally materialized. (Her eyes gets softer with each words) Anne, you can't fathom how long I've yearned to witness your performance again. It's as if time stood still the moment you stepped onto the field. (She smiles warmly)

Me: (I frowned and raised my brow) Do I even know you?

Lucia: (she blinks) Uhm…..I guess it's natural to forget after so many years. I am Lucia, Maria's friend. We met once, when we were eight years old. (She smiles)

Me: Sorry, no idea. (I said pulling back my hand)

Lucia: (she looks down a bit disappointed) Its fine, I can understand.

Me: (I raised my brow) What? Gonna cry about it?

Lucia: (she tries to hold back her tears) N-Nope…..

Maria: (she smacks me hard behind my head while glaring) Are you done with your jealousy?

Me: Ouch….(I said while pouting and rubbing the back of my head) Fine…..I do remember you.

Lucia: Really?! (Her eyes sparkles with excitement)

Me: Mhm….yeah. I don't forget people. (I said sighing)

Maria: Anne? (She smiles while cracking her knuckles) What do we say after we hurt people? (She gives out a murderous aura)

Me: (I gulped my spit getting scared) I…..I am…..sorry...(sulks)

Maria: Good girl. (She pats my head treating me like a child).

Jules: So there is someone who can actually knock some senses into Anne. (She blinks)

Victoria: Hm….(She nods)

Christina: Now we know, whom to approach for our problems. (She laughs slightly as others nodded in agreement)

Lucia: It's fine. I am grateful that you remember me. (She grins) Anyways, I need to get going now. (She says before waving at us and running towards her teammates)

Julie: Hey Guys?....(She hesitates as we turned towards her) so….uhm….my mom invited all of you to our house for a small celebration.

Me: She knows that we won? (I asked)

Julie: (she shook her head) Nope. She wanted to celebrate our first match.

Lotte: Lotte loves food. (She grins)

Ratree: Everyone loves free food. (She smiles)

Victoria: Wow, some parents celebrates such small achievements. (She says with a hint of jealousy)

Julie: (she moves her attention towards Thomas and Paul) You are also invited.

Thomas: Yay! This would be the first time I would go to a friend's house. (His eyes sparkles with excitement)

Paul: Thank you. (He smiles)

Bruce: What about me? Am I invited as well? (He asks)

Julie: (blushes slightly) If you want, you can come.

Bruce: Don't worry, I would definitely come. (He blushes as well)

Julie: Whatever. (She looks away)

Bella was quiet during the whole conversation, I could notice that her face was pale, and she felt guilty while her parents took her to the hospital. She was happy for our team, but somewhere she felt that she was lacking and wasn't good enough as a teammate. I felt that we should have a talk with her after she returns from hospital. By now the crowd had dispersed and we promised Julie to meet at her house after freshening up before we parted ways.

[Author's Note: Yay, finally I completed the 100th chapter! 0~0 tell me what you liked about the story and its progress till now]

To be continued.....