Season 7 Chapter 1

Everyone: Wait…what?! (They stared at me with shocked and questionable eyes).

It was Monday morning, after usual morning practices, we went to our respective classes, I finally decided to officially step down from my temporary position as a coach and hand over the responsibilities to Aoi. I waited eagerly for the classes to end, with each passing hours my patience started running low. I wondered how they would when they discovered that our English and Drama teacher is an ex football player. Would they be surprised or excited? I couldn't wait to see their surprise faces.

I could feel the tension building within me as the school day dragged on. My classmates droned on about the usual mundane topics, but my mind was elsewhere. I couldn't help but think about how the team would react to the news about Miss Aoi. After what seemed like an eternity, the final bell rang, signaling the end of classes.

We gathered in the football ground as the team was busy chattering animatedly, oblivious to the bombshell I was about to drop. I took a deep breath and stepped forward, trying to keep my excitement in check.

Me: Alright, everyone, listen up! (I said while clapping my hands together to draw their attention as the chatter died down as they all turned to look at me, curiosity evident on their faces.)

Choon Hee: What's up, Buddy? You look like you're about to burst. (She said with a curious look.)

Me: I have some big news. You know how we've been struggling without a proper coach? (There was excitement mixed with expectations over my eyes) Well, the great Anne Elizabeth has managed to solve the crisis singlehandedly. (I smirked with a sense of pride while patting my shoulder) Good job, Anne. I am proud of you.

Victoria: (she clicks her tongue and rolls her eyes) Look at this bitch, praising her own self.

Me: Did you just used a bad language?!! I will complain your mother. (I said pouting)

Victoria: Meh, go ahead. I am sure she will blame you for it. (She smirks)

Me: Tsk. Moron. (I folded my arms)

Jules: Pfft, Both of them are suited for each other. (She laughs)

Maria: Two side of one coin. (She smirks)

Victoria: Shut up!!

Me: Shut the fuck up. (We both glared at them).

Choon Hee: (she clears her throat trying to suppress her laugh) So, who is this new coach?

Irina: Right….I am really curious, who agreed to join our club? (She seems surprised) Especially after all those dramas.

Hope: Mhm….I thought we are done for. (She sighed in relief)

Christina: But, I didn't hear of anyone new joining the school. (She said scratching her head confused)

Me: When did I said that I brought someone from outside? (I pouted)

Betty: So, its someone from inside our school? (She was awestruck as I nodded in agreement)

Julie: Is it….Mr. Henry? (She blinks as her eyes sparkled with curiosity)

Victoria: Mr. Henry? Hmm….he is a good guy but I don't think he would train female team. (She sighed)

Lotte: Yuck, he is that Karl's coach. (She said feeling disgusted)

Me: tsk tsk….(I smirked) Wrong again.

Christina: Just tell us already, this secret is killing us. (She pouts)

Maria: Asshole. (She exclaimed while staring at me) Always tries to brag for no reason.

Me: Still better than you. (I said sticking out my tongue mockingly)

Victoria: Just shot. (She said rubbing her forehead annoyed.)

Me: tsk, mood spoiler. (I rolled my eyes) Anyways, I won't drag it any longer. So! Ladies and Ladies! The wait is finally over! The grand announcement that you have been waiting for! (I paused for a second staring at their expecting eyes) Introducing to you, our new coach! Miss Aoi! (I said pointing towards my right, their eyes widened in surprise as their heads turned towards the direction my hand was pointing then they blinked their eyes feeling confused and disappointed)

Christina: Wait ….what?! (Her jaw drops)

Choon Hee: (she blinks) But….where is she?

Me: (I coughed then cleared my throat) She said she will come after she arranges study materials for tomorrow's class.

Irina: So, you were simply wasting our time since then? (She raises her brow)

Me: Bleh Bleh….wasting time….(I said mimicking her) As if you have anything better to do.

Irina: Welll…..maybe I had! (She protested)

Me: (I raised brow) Going on a date doesn't count.

Irina: (she flusters) I can't win against you.

Hope: Well….we indeed don't have anything better to do. (She sighed)

Bella: What do you mean? We have exams coming up. (She rolled her eyes)

Me: Oh please, I know how much you are going to study. (I smirked)

Victoria: Leave all those discussions aside. We have something more important in hand. (She raised her brow) Seriously Anne? Miss Aoi? Are you sure about that?

Maria: If Anne has decided something, she must have thought it through. (She frowned)

Jules: But, Isn't Miss Aoi, uhm…..English teacher? (She said confused)

Christina: She isn't even related to any sports department. Just Drama club. (She said feeling concerned)

Choon Hee: Anne, I know you are worried about our team, but I think we shouldn't rush regarding this matter. (She urged)

Me: You have any better person in mind? (I raised my brow)

Choon Hee: (she hesitates) N-No…..Sorry. (She looks down)

Julie: Miss Aoi is the sweetest person ever. I am sure she will be a good coach. (She grins happily)

Irina: I mean…..its better than having Emilia. (She says sighing)

Hope : Yeah….that's true. (She nods in agreement)

Victoria: (she sighs) I guess….we don't have a choice anyway.

Me: Just trust me. I know what I am doing. (I folded my arms and stared at them for a second) Keep a positive attitude when she arrives.

Maria: Anne is right. Its atleast better than being disqualified for not having a coach. (She said looking at me) Isn't it better to give her a chance before being judgemental?

Julie: mhm….I don't know why all of you are being so concerned regarding this matter. Rather we should be grateful that someone agreed to be our coach. (She smiles)

Aoi: What's going on here? (She says in a warm tone while standing behind us making us flinch)

Julie: Ah….Miss Aoi. (She says nervously)

Aoi: Call me coach. (She said sternly but maintained her warmth)

Julie: C-Coach…(she gets flustered) Sorry….

Aoi: (she smiles warmly as she glances at Julie) Looks like there is lots of improvement to be done. (She stands beside me) I hope, Anne has explained everything to you? (She says before turning her attention towards me and stretching her hand as I handed over the record book to her. She goes through the pages and smiles) I must say, your documenting skills are good.

Me: Thank you. (I as I felt proud)

Aoi: But, you didn't answer my question. (She raised her brow) I hope you explained everything to them?

Me: (I gulped my spit) I….ah…..uhm…..

Victoria: What is it, Miss Aoi? Anne has only informed us that you would be our new coach. (She said feeling cautious)

Aoi: (She glares at me then sighs) I knew this would happen. Anyways, let me disclose this on her behalf. Anne made a deal with me.

Victoria: What kind of deal? And why we are hearing about this for the first time? (She glares at me)

Choon Hee: Captain, did you know anything about this? (She asked Julie)

Julie: (shock her head) N-No….

Maria: Anne, if you are making a deal, you should at least discuss with the team and inform the captain before making a decision. (She frowned folding her arms and tapping her feet in displeasure)

Me: Well…..(I hesitated) I didn't get the opportunity to call for a meeting and discuss this topic with you. It was a dire situation.

Bella: Still…..(she urged)

Julie: Its fine guys, I am sure Anne thought it through before agreeing. (She smiled faintly but there was a sense of betrayal in her eyes which she tried to hide)

Aoi: (she sighed rubbing her forehead) I can see that there is a lack of communication in this team. And it is already giving me a headache. I didn't expect such novice mistake from you, Anne. (She glared at me)

Me: I am sorry….(I said looking down)

Aoi: If you want me as your coach, I would expect a better team work from each one of you. Anyways…..(she took a deep breath) Now that I am here, I would disclose the matter to you. I became your coach on one condition, that you need to enrol your names in drama club as well. (Everyone's jaw drops hearing the bomb) Anne has already agreed but I want to hear from you, if you people want to join or not.

Me: Guys please agree. Or else we will lose this opportunity. (I said I'm getting anxious)

Aoi: Anne. (She said sternly) shut your mouth and let them decide. (She glared at me).

Me: Sorry… (I said looking down and feeling guilty)

Aoi: So, tell me. What is your decision. (She says addressing the team.)

To be continued....