The man who had perpetrated something vile, so sadistic that it should have landed him behind bars.

The same man who also almost let Suga be violated by the alphas.

An Instructor with a notorious reputation for inflicting torment on IHPS members.

It puzzled me that my chest tightened at the memory of his smile. Is there an infectious madness in this place? Ignoring that deranged man should be a breeze. Considering he's only here for a short while and after that the bastard will return to America.

"..... I just noticed that you smell kinda good."


Marcus, who suddenly spoke in a low mumble, prompted Suga to give him a quizzical look. Straightening his gaze, Suga frowned. That was a random remark.

"You smell like ... you smell like caramel ... Like a ripe apple drenched in caramel, it's too sweet. Are you wearing a girl's perfume? The scent just wafted my way."

"I don't like wearing one, so no."