"Then I'll say that I like you. How was it? Can you finally agree now?"


As Zion lifted his head and their eyes met, Suga felt a hot lump in his throat, he felt like yelling at this man that it wasn't as simple as uttering words, but a man like him wouldn't seem to understand what a serious relationship was about, the childish smile on his lips was enough proof for what he was thinking.

Suga has never had sex outside of a relationship. To add context, he was not at all a conservative person who would grimace when hearing people who enjoyed casual sex or sex buddies or whatever people called it as long as it was done mutually consensual. But still, seeing how nonchalant the man was about something that should have been thought through, Suga was aware of the fact that a man like Zion was not someone who would be his ideal lover.

"It's easy, you like sex while having a name for it, so now I'm your boyfriend, good?... Now, let's do it."
