Arc 4 of Egotistic (Fragments of Trust — 1)

When it came to work, there was no set time for when it started or when it would completely end— as both a scientist and a doctor, William hardly had any time to rest. More precisely, he could choose to stop and relax at home, but William wasn't the type of person who could walk away once he had started something.

It was like his habit with books—if he felt he didn't have time for it, he wouldn't even open it. Once he started reading, even just the first page, it would be hard for him to put it down. He would keep reading non-stop, only stopping when Andrew reminded him and dragged him away to spend time together.

Understanding his own tendencies, William made sure to store away new books and only read them on his days off. This same behavior extended to his work—he couldn't step away from his lab, always fixated on his laptop, which remained open nearly all the time.