So his life with Zion began.

Suga didn't expect that living with Zion was actually kinda bearable. Well, he couldn't really say that confidently since it had only been a few days—not even two weeks. Maybe it was because Zion was really busy.

He would leave in the morning and come back at night. Sometimes, he returned when Suga was already asleep, and there were days when Suga didn't see him at all because he left too early and came home when Suga was already passed out on the bed.

The fear that his life here would turn into one of Zion's plaything never actually happened. In fact, they hadn't even had sex for the past few days. Maybe Zion would kiss him, and his hands would roam over his body like he was ready to rip Suga's clothes off right then and there—but nothing ever happened after that.