Twilight Falls

It took quite a bit of convincing on Saintcrow's part, but he finally managed to persuade Kadie to remain in the living room while he went to take care of their visitors. After promising that he wouldn't do any permanent damage to either man, Saintcrow made his way down to his lair.

He stood outside the door for a moment, listening to their conversation as they tried to decide what they would do when he confronted them. When they ran out of ideas, he lit the candles in the wall sconce, then opened the door.

Harry and Ralph sat side by side on the top step. They blinked at the light when he opened the door.

When they lunged at him, Saintcrow held up his hand. They fell back when they hit the invisible barrier.

Saintcrow crossed his arms. "Harry, I'll deal with you first. Come here."

Unable to refuse, the man crossed the threshold into the turret room, then stopped, prevented from moving any farther.

"What are you going to do to him?" Andrews demanded.

"Whatever I want," Saintcrow replied, and slammed the door.

He spoke to Harry's mind, erasing everything that had to do with vampires and hunters. After implanting a posthypnotic suggestion, he told Harry to wait in the car for Andrews, then sent him on his way.

Andrews's face was livid when Saintcrow opened the door. "Where's Harry? What have you done to him?"

"He's fine."

"I don't believe you."

"I don't give a damn what you believe. You've interfered in my life for the last time."

The threat didn't faze Andrews. "Where's my daughter?" he asked belligerently. "What have you done to her?"

"I saved her life."

Andrews's face went from belligerent to furious. "You turned her into a bloodsucking monster, didn't you? Damn you! I'll kill you for that."

"No, you won't. When I'm through with you, the very word vampire will give you the mother of all headaches. You won't remember anything about being a hunter, nor will you recognize a vampire when you see one."

Doubt shadowed Andrews's eyes for the first time. "What do you mean?"

"Just what you think I mean," Saintcrow replied coldly.

"No!" Andrews staggered back, his arms raised to shield his face, as if that would save him. "Dammit, you can't do this!"

Saintcrow bared his fangs and let his eyes go red. "I can kill you, if you'd rather. Makes no difference to me."

Andrews's face paled. His arms fell limply to his sides as all the fight drained out of him. "Go on then, kill me. I'd prefer it."

"I'd be glad to oblige," Saintcrow said, and meant it. "But Kadie would never forgive me."

Kadie paced the living room floor. Try as she might, she couldn't hear what was going on in the tunnel. Harry had come down from the turret room twenty minutes ago. He had smiled at her, asked how she was, then told her he was going to wait for her father in the car. When he left the house, he was whistling softly.

Ten minutes passed and there was no sign of her father. Kadie tried to read his thoughts. When she couldn't, she realized Saintcrow was preventing it. What was taking so long? Was her father all right?

She hurried to the staircase, then paused when her father and Saintcrow appeared on the landing.

"Kadie!" Her father's expression seemed jovial as he hurried down the stairs to embrace her. "I hate to cut my visit short, but I've been gone too long already."

Kadie looked at Saintcrow over her father's shoulder.

He nodded. Just play along.

"Sure, Dad, I understand," Kadie said, hoping she was saying the right thing. "Tell Mom hi for me, and I'll see her soon."

"I will." He gave her a hug, then strode toward the door. "Good to see you again, Saintcrow," he called over his shoulder. "Take care of my girl."

Kadie waited until the door closed after her father, then looked askance at Rylan. "What did you do to him?"

"Just what I said I would. I wiped any memories of vampires or hunters from his mind."

"What about my mom?"

"It's all taken care of. The last thing they both remember is that you called to say you were spending some time in Morgan Creek with me and that they both approved."

"What about the other hunters that my dad knows?"

"Two are dead. I've dealt with Harry and three others.

There's only one left, and he's off hunting vampires in Florida. I'll deal with him when the time comes."

Kadie worried her lower lip between her teeth, then said, "When you saw my mom, did she say anything about Kathy?"

"No, but after I erased her memories, I went to the hospital to see your sister."

"How is she?"

"Greatly improved since you saw her last."

Kadie cocked her head to the side. "Did you have anything to do with that?"

"As a matter of fact, I did. When no one was looking, I hypnotized her, then I gave her a healthy dose of my blood. It should last her a good long time. When I left, the doctors were gathered around her bed, marveling at her miraculous recovery."

"But won't that make her a vampire now?"

"No. I didn't take any of her blood, only gave her some of mine."

"Oh, Rylan!" Kadie threw her arms around his neck. "I love you!"

"I know. So, I was thinking. We never made it to England. What would you think about going there on our honeymoon?"

"Honeymoon! Does that mean . . . ?" She drew a deep breath. "Are you asking me to marry you?"

"Sure sounds that way."

"But you said vampires rarely get married because they don't like to share territory. . . ."

"That's true."

"And because they exist for such a long time. . . ."

He placed his forefinger over her lips, stilling her words. "All true, Kadie, my love. But I can't imagine my life without you in it, no matter how long that might be. A hundred years or a thousand, I want to share them all with you. So, what do you say? Do you think you can put up with me that long?"

"You really are Santa Claus," she said. "You've given me everything I've ever wanted."

Kadie smiled as he drew her closer, his mouth covering hers in a long searing kiss that curled her toes and tripled her heart rate.

"Now that you're a vampire," Saintcrow murmured, "you'll be able to keep your promise."

"What promise is that?" she asked, though she knew perfectly well what he was talking about.

"Don't you remember?" he asked, feigning disappointment. "You promised to stay with me forever."

Warmth speared through Kadie as he swept her into his arms and carried her swiftly to their lair. "How could I forget?"

Lying side by side in their bed, Kadie smiled as she reached for him. And as his arms tightened around her and he claimed her lips with his, she wondered if even forever would be long enough.