His Path

I always disliked strict teachers. While I have nothing but respect for the job, I always thought that the "good enough" result was... well, good enough. And since I could somewhat reliably wing it, it never made sense to me to try hard and go above and beyond.

I really like Mia, but she reminds me of those strict school teachers. Her excuse for training usually involves a variation of me struggling for my life in a spar, because apparently, if I'm not putting in serious effort, it doesn't count as training.

While they evoke similar feelings in me, it would be a bit unfair to say that these two are the same. At least with her training, I see the results every day as there might not be anything as important for someone whose current job is literally risking his life in battles for money, so while I think it's a bother, I could never argue against its importance.