
The tea and the cake that were brought to this room had fallen to the ground.

Even though they surprisingly didn't make too much of a mess, Isabella rushed to grab a towel and began cleaning desperately, as if she had committed a crime.

In such a scene, I would've expected the maid to do something.

Either help her, or at least apologize, but instead, she remained completely still, looking down from above at Isabella's desperation, without ever lifting a hand to help.

I couldn't understand either of their actions.

Maybe Isabella wanted to clean everything and send the maid away to hide everything that was happening, but of course, that would never work.

The maid was just the closest to the room, and after her, a few knights and butlers also arrived on the scene.

Between them, there was one particularly powerful knight at level 78.

The others' questions and smirks didn't stop her, but once he arrived, Isabella halted her efforts.