- What would you like here? – The Djinn questioned him.
- Cassandra's seal. - Horus said, but everything there caught his attention. “There was a set of rings there.
It wasn't difficult.
- So what would you like just the seal of Cassandra? – The Djinn questioned him.
- What are these rings? – He questioned.
No problem, he was probing you and listening to your problem, which he was easy to open up to and talk to.
As he explained about his merchandise.
- The jewels of control, the pair of rings, are the rings of influence, the ring of revolution, make people believe everything they say and make them undeniable truths. – The Djinn said.
- Why do you want these objects? – He questioned him.
- I want to give it to my boyfriends. - He said.
- Well, a boyfriend is better than a rival in the midst of an attack on a kingdom. - He said.
- Did something happen to you? - Horus questioned him.
- There are ages in previous wars, in the sands of the desert, when I was still an enemy of Ishtar . - He said.
- There was a protective magician, I had anger, so I was imprisoned in amphoras, stones and lamps. - He said.
What a long time ago, I was not that the owner of objects, I claimed them with distorted desires.
So, these objects of this tent where they came in disputes and duels, thus formed the objects of this exchange tent.
Among them, I have a history of a magician who came back to face me, there is a magic that doesn't let us get close to anything, it was done by Solomon, due to our history of conflicts. - He said. - It 's not that I didn't like Hibaru .
- I live from my negotiations, I had negotiated a rug, but more than 2 thousand years ago, in a dispute over goods in the Mesopotamian desert, when I was imprisoned in one of the stones of Hibaru , not before turning it into a zombie.
So, to free ourselves from obligations and disputes, we cannot get closer. - He said.
- So, he negotiated them... - Well he said.
Amid buy some objects then go back to the previous auction.
Upon hearing the last knock, when Hibaru bought what he wanted, they met at the entrance.
- Let's go to the cafeteria. Hibaru said . – I'll read the page, and give you the objects.
- So, I hand over yours. - He said.
At that time, he conjured a tablet, then with his cell phone, he took pictures, while reading, exchanging their objects, as they went their ways.
About that.
Inanna-Istar did her bidding.
- With pleasure, then, she lifted her plaque. – 10 thousand dollars. - He said.
- $20,000 - Another held up his sign.
- 30 thousand dollars – Inana-Istar raised her sign.
- 50 thousand dollars. – Another held up his sign.
- 70 thousand dollars. – Inanna-Istar said, as she lifted her plaque.
- 100 thousand dollars. – Another held up his sign.
- 150 thousand dollars. – Inanna-Istar held up her plaque.
- I give you 1, I give you 2... - So, he announced. – Purchased.
Then, walking around the place, where he bought a Marie Antoinette bracelet, an amphora of luxury...
When the ceremonies and celebrations ended, even if they were talking badly about humans, they collected investment funds, collected agreements and favors from politicians.
- With me helping and funding your application, you can help me get my company's tax exemption. - Enchidu said.
- Well, as long as I'm elected, I can do that. - She said.
- Consider done. - Enchidu said.
So Enkidu left there, and bought the sword for Horus.
Then, dancing a little more, in which they were talking to other businessmen, in which there was interest in investing in the state, when they talked to new partners.
When they parted. - Time to go. - Horus said.
- We will. – Both said.
When they arrived towards the exit of the building, their driver was waiting for them, when they returned to their mansion, they went to sleep together, before taking a shower so that they rested embraced in their bed, to prepare for the next day, when they went to work after noon, with your late coffee.
Several ages ago.
Middle East.
On the sands of Arabia...
The world was going through a great period of mass extinction, famine, plague, plague and drought, as well as wars, invasions and conflict that broke down on tribes, villages and nations.
There were for eons ago, wars between the celestials and the demons, the djinns and the supernatural beings that roamed the desert attacking caravans of merchants.
Due to the difficulties in transporting supplies and food, many men and women were attacked and in danger, dangers that plagued humanity arose for a long time.
Many were attacked, until in the midst of wars, men and women went to war, many never returned.
In the midst of this, the world was going through a great drought, where there was not enough food for the races, including the human ones , in which people were starving, there was even the point of practicing cannibalism.
Even the vampires, monsters, werewolves and demons that were at war stopped and hid...
This caused many to perish, the world reached near extinction, then the orchards dried up, crops and animals died, few lived, beyond despair, there was no food left for anyone, the water dried up, the world was a desert.
So the various races went into exile and entered into a truce that took eons for them to meet so they could keep the peace.
In the midst of it
Both vampires, human traitors and rebels, among the werewolves who were forced to hide against the religious sect of Dune as it was called.
During the supernatural food wars, an ancient extinct religion arose that believed in sacrifices of maidens and young men they could use to bring life back in the dimensions and on earth, for the long haul, the outcast and the unwanted, the handicapped of both. the races were chosen as a sacrifice,
All this happened to bring rainwater to the world, the cattle not die, the rain to fall, even being an ancient sect enemy of the mortal races and later of humanity, in reality they wanted the extinction of all life in the multiverse.
This religion spread to Europe, but it managed to infiltrate the Vatican in numerous institutions, maidens who were considered witches, true witches were hunted, along with vampires and werewolves, among angels who were considered traitors, in addition to demons. , humans, were hunted.
Even though this technique wasn't able to actually bring life to earth, the world continued to wither away.
Humans and supernatural beings continued to be hunted, people were not allowed to have knowledge, anyone who defied the teachings was hunted down and killed.