Next to him, in which he would be a descendant of the first priest of Delphos, being the fruit of the union between Cassandra and her promised god Apollo, in which he would bring to the world, the first to be the son of Cassandra of Troy and the god Apollo.

Since the priests of Delphi were to be the branch and the main lineage, in which they would be representatives, mediators would take part in the land of the priests of Um-Mu, where they would bring the group of the enemy sect.

Thus, the great lineage of human representatives among the order of Um-Mu was born, in which they were always descendants of the main lineage of the Delphos family in which they faced, when they began to gain power among the beings that came towards Earth.

Initially, Zariel could not cross the dimensions without an avatar that could be human and sustain his nature, his essence, so he could cross the dimensions every 200 years, in the same lineage, to face his enemies and overcome the great worm that was summoned to destroy the multiverse, the creature of the end.

When they gathered forces, a contingent of allies, among armies of malcontents, in which many rebels joined them, amid a message, waiting for them at one point to command a huge army to march towards the fortress of Dune, where they besieged the great fortress, in the midst of a great battle.

In which many men and gods united against a common enemy, in the midst of a rebellion in each home, in each place that was taken and subjugated, rose to face them.

Then, using the power of the first avatar, facing his enemies sacrificed his coming for the next thousand years, so that he could restore life and balance and destroy entropy, so that he could bring water, life and end the plague. .

Thanks to its sacrifice in the name of life, the primordial essence of the great dragon of the end exiled itself to the plane of Zarathanis, hoping that it could stop the destruction from continuing, finally, bring life back to the material plane, gather energy.

Then, when they managed to restore the balance of life in all dimensions, this creature would return in the great ceremony of the rivers of blood, 2 thousand years from now.

So, between Inana-Istar and Enchidu who had to see each avatar born every 200 years, without being able to live, since it had to be sacrificed to stabilize life in each of the dimensions.

It was when they saw for the first time, when the first version of the end beast avatar was born, in which they saw for the first time, both the end beast in its primordial form, when they realized that for the first time, that that avatar that was reborn every 200 years, it was your destined companion to your soul mate, who could return from here more than 2 thousand years ahead .

In which it happened that only in a space of 2000 years to accumulate energy again, in which later, by accumulating energy and essential, the next avatar could sustain the definitive essence and be its destined companion.

In the midst of this, many managed to flee the war the enemies from time to time regrouped, trying to corrupt the world to bring death and destruction.

Amid the groups of agents led by Inanna-Istar and Enquidu, they organized and grouped groups and agents to protect the world, with their agents, their order and influence grew in each of the worlds.

In the midst of this, as time progressed, the religion of Um-Mu, in exchange for bringing balance to the multiverse, took root in various parts of the world and the magical dimensions.

With that, their greatest allies and agents were those who were harmed and persecuted, becoming not just a large group, but an immense council, an organization that operates and helps thousands of beings in the multiverse.

During ages they expanded their power and influence, where they could bring balance to the wizarding worlds, organizing and controlling from behind the shadows other organizations and countries.

Then, during that time, the organization in which Inanna-Istar and Enkidu became the sovereigns and kings of each of the races, and from them were born, emerged and were converted various allies and transformed into vampires and werewolves.

For several years until the Middle Ages to remedy all problems, face and end the conflicts generated by its enemies, times of peace and prosperity arose, after a thousand years of darkness and disagreements, in the midst of conflicts, which were stopped in an agreement . of peace with the church, which was affiliated and unified.

In the midst of the great navigations, the great migrations and the great colonizations, many magical beings in search of a new home, with the end of wars and persecutions, took root in the West, in the direction of finding a new home and expanding the thirst for Zarathanis in various parts of the world, where they founded together with the descendants of the Delphos clan.

Therefore, the main family and the descendants, when there was a war for territories, when the families and the allies had to face the sect of Dune several times, in several periods of time, they tried several times.

By trying several times to kill and eliminate from the face of the earth their enemies and the descendants of Zarathanis, along with the Delphos family, even the human branch of the clan, leading them to move towards the new world towards America, where they founded the state of Lovecraft County.

Dune's enemies have tried to influence and destroy humanity so much, turning them against other nations, and also destroying the multiverse several times.

Since their agents, both werewolves and vampires, allies with humans managed to prevent this from happening several times, but the biggest problem of the Delphos families, when they became the founding family towards the state of Lovecraft County.

The supernatural part of the city did not openly engage with politics and human life, not until trouble took shape, when the father of the next avatar of doom, in what turned out to be Theodore Delphos, his wife Suzana Delphos, and their son 6-year-old Horus Delphos, in the midst of fighting crime, in which he tried to face crime and corruption in normal ways.

Thus, when he settled down and founded Lovecraft's state, he founded a company, which in addition to administering the city, the state, controlled the entire economy, commerce, generated jobs, controlled real estate, commerce, rent, in addition to various branches of business they had as background.

Since the very sustenance of the city, trade and transport of food, goods, clothing, fur and were hunters, even this that generated envy and greed of enemies who wanted to overthrow them, but never succeeding thanks to their allies and their society with the forces supernaturals.

In the midst of this, in which Teodoro tried the elections for governor, but due to corruption and criminality, he was ambushed one night, kidnapped and killed, when the boy would be killed.

In which Teodoro isolated himself and tried to help the state to try to take life out of decay and rebuild and take the city from the abyss of poverty that had the rich part as well as the poor part, getting into conflicts with mafia groups, with unscrupulous politicians several times and organized crime.

This led to gang wars as the city and state were driven to a level of decay by falling into abyss and poverty, a health crisis and sometimes health crises and in the ultimate theft of that state, groups of corrupt politicians where the politicians engaged in corruption.

It was at that time, a group of security guards and agents from the group of beasts, including Inana-Istar and Enquidu himself, rescued him at the last moment, before the ceremony that would grant the memories and the essence, he was mortal, so he could not back in the next 200 years.

It wasn't humanity's enemies that killed their parents, but in reality it was good old-fashioned human greed, humanity itself was its own worst enemy, as they grew, decay came amid the attempt to usurp power, the part human where the Delphos family.

Without the support of the company, the former CEO and the owner of the company, without the intervention and philanthropy, they had no help and no support, crime grew, the city lost prosperity and the help of other beings.

Humans were left to their own devices, the same could not be said of the mystical part, among vampires and werewolves, supernatural beings, they knew how to manage their economy, their contacts, in which the rich of that state remained rich.

Horus, grew up surrounded by supportive influence, which helped him to develop, study, travel around the world in search of knowledge and learning, studying and training both mind, body and brain, where he acquired countless skills, they had

This caused a traumatized child to be taken to live for a long time, protected from crimes and the mafia that killed his parents, particularly, he waged a private war after he grew up and returned to dominate the city .