At that time, their joint orgasmic screams were so loud that whoever was on the other side of the door thought the biggest nonsense.

- Oh my god, boss. - He said, in despair. – Go behind the employees and get a key.

- I have a reservation. – The Yakuza said, taking the key out of his pocket in despair and facing the man in the clouds, between screams and moans, stopping as if both were dead lying in the middle of the bed.

- Fortunately. – His aide said.

- Crosses. - The Yakuza said.

- I should have privacy. - He said.

- I thought there were problems. – Your aide said.

- I thought I had another half hour. – He said, after seconds, when he saw the men in front of him, that man turned his face towards the two men in front of him.

- You have one more hour. – The Yakuza, he said, getting out of there, heading for the door, turning around, pulling the man with him, the Yakuza made his way to the door, closing behind him.