The protagonist of what had happened on the boat and what happened there was Richard.

Woody and the heir to the Scavengers family

The Scavengers family was linked to the Camarilla family, in that they had connections to other wealthy vampires and aristocrats, in that they had connections to the prosecution, the justice system, as well as extending across the county, in which they could control all the proceedings. and they had been a great family of lawyers, prosecutors, they made many other enemies, who were enemies of the Camarilla, were enemies of the Scavengers.

it all started before 1800, still in the middle ages, when they allied with the enemies of Delphi, they were the first pirates and mobsters, who commanded the law, in that period, they were expelled from the United Kingdom, then, during the great navigations, in which they colonized other countries, they were one of the founding families who came to the new world.

During their coming to America, they helped found countless cities, with which they settled in America in the city of Azathoth.

Since during the various battles of magic, they were expelled from other cities, concentrating influence there, in the 1600s, in which the first of them, from the family of Randolph Scavengers I, which was when he was the first elected as procurator, where, at that time, he is the chief prosecutor in that district, with the district attorney's office deciding what to do and who will be prosecuted.

Soon after he died during werewolf battles, amidst a civil war his family won in which his son took office. In 2986 his son took over and his grandson took over until 206

They have a law firm that is part of the security, and his children, continued his legacy in which each for a generation followed his legacy.

Even with the initials it was known as the office, everyone knows that if you want a lawyer to win and get a lot of money ask the Scavengers

They had several conflicts for hundreds of years with the Delphos family, they were the ones who tried to ally themselves with the rebels in the massacre that killed Hathori's father, in which they fled to the mystical city with a barrier that prevents a Delphos from entering that city with intent on killing a Scavengers.

The influence extended to the court with all members of the family who held the office of attorney, even though there are several stores scattered around, which give grace, but this building was comparable to the court of Azathoth.

It comes from a series of circumstances.

There was a rule that the defendant could be processed at one place to bring the cases and continue the process in Azathoth County.

It was every built, the railroad, there are businesses in Azathoth County if someone got hurt they could go to Azathoth and hire the services of the Scavengers family here

So when that boat accident occurred, the idea that the Scavengers were above the law, thinking that nothing would happen, so they feared the power of that werewolf family.

They continued to search for the missing teenager for days.

A culpable crime, all were minors, beyond responsibility, it was that moment, Richard was the pilot of the boat.

One thing that stood out, that he was borrowing from every police officer, because of that, when he asked for a cell phone, it wasn't Woody, he called Grandpa Randolph, an incredibly influential and powerful man.

When Randolph was piloting the boat, Richard lied to his grandfather, saying that Kensington was piloting the boat.

He was hearing that the boy was the grandfather he was piloting the boat with his girlfriend.

Richard Scavengers asked that the police were escorting him to the hospital, he was so drunk he couldn't get halfway, the only one who refused to get into the ambulance, he stayed there, waiting for his girlfriend to be found.

The conditions were dangerous, there was fog but it was difficult to see, it was impossible at all an extremely dense fog, the sun had to come out which would make the fog evaporate, they interrupted the search they had to wait.

When they arrived the situation was desperate, some were bleeding wounded and devastated.

Richard Scavengers was totally drunk and uncontrollable, they didn't do a sobriety test, from the time he needed to do an hour and a half, until it subsided, which it did.

- You've been drinking. - He said, but he didn't look for a way to stop him from being quiet.

Richard called his father and grandfather, they went to the hospital.

When they arrived, the two stopped the cops or anyone else from questioning their son.

Their expensive suits, at that time, they said.

- Stop what you are doing, we are their lawyers.

Then they wanted to see the other young people on the boat, according to the hospital staff from top to bottom, entering the rooms to talk to the young people, no one can enter the rooms, without it being the family, they would be more intimidating.

Since they wanted them to lie to control the situation for both him and his son, he didn't want the young people to say anything, until he saw that they wanted them to lie.

She said she was afraid, asking him according to Woody to follow him, don't say anything, we'll take care of you.

Everyone was accusing Woody, so trying to go behind the scenes, put the blame on Kensinton, he was to blame, nobody knew more than civil and criminal liability, while alleviating the bar for them, which could be harmful to the family.

There were many acquaintances who knew Abgail, asking for help in looking for her, so the way things were going it wasn't good for teams to keep looking.

So then the news was televised, many reporters covered the releases, where they haven't done that in a long time, where they are people of interest.

All teenagers needed bandages, surgery.

A girl thought about the young woman's smile, not knowing if they could find her, anyone who had a boat was looking for her, no matter what it took.

The communities were willing to find Abgail, each day looking for and getting more.

Abgail McCoy's family was of interest to Hathori and Amasteus.

Lovecraft County.

Delphos Tower.

Hathori's office.

Hathori was a man of mixed Asian and Western descent, his mother was of mixed Japanese and Chinese descent.

Hathori was in Lovecraft County, when he heard the news, Amasteus arrived at his office entering there.

- I have news. – The blue demon said, throwing a newspaper on the table, as well as picking up the remote and turning on the television on the panel in his room.

- Well, it took a while for something to happen. – Hathori said, sitting at the table, watching the news.