He was thus forgotten until Richard and Maggie were killed, there were stories that they were murderers.

After the murders, when the police agency, which at that time, was investigating the death of a maid, who tripped and fell, hitting her head, Hathori in his quest to destroy that family's life began to dig, then he discovered the story of two maids, i mean the nannies, within 4 years of each other, the nanny died when Richard was 12, the first maid died, when Richard was 4.

According to stories that everyone heard over the years, it was that the boy was a murderous psychopath without feelings, they said that when he didn't attack people, he killed animals.

Some cases of accidents, disappearances and even people found dead in the surroundings, were eaten, pushed.

That was the side effect of a werewolf and a panther woman, born a freak.

They said that on full moons, immigrants and homeless people disappeared through the streets at night, between these times, there were bodies that were found on the highways, dead and their two children had anger control problems, they were murderous beasts.

One of the friends of an old maid at the Scavengers house, simply tells that the last nanny, when the youngest was 11 years old, when she spoke on the phone sometimes, he simply attacked whoever it was, he killed animals, the dogs of the kennels didn't last long, they just didn't last.

Maggie had called the police once, on three different occasions.

Hathori, managed to travel to each family of a mysterious death, in which he discovered that when gathering witnesses, one of the maids who lasted the longest, had died when she fell to the ground, when she tripped over some dogs in the kennel.

Once, she called Meredith's family who had seen her friend, fall down the stairs, another time, in a space of 4 years later, Amelia was found dead after hitting her head on the bench, when climbing in a high place that it was not described, because gas heaters in winter.

Another babysitter died when she fell into a pool and drowned even though that day was freezing cold in winter.

In which one time, Maggie called the emergency where she reported that the maid fell and her head was bleeding, working and taking care of household matters, she was a nanny and had a hunting cabin, in addition to the last assistant in the family.

Gloriosa Senfield, the brick staircase, which she fell climbing the brick staircase, she was on the ground, she is not conscious.

She's 58, nobody knew who she was there with, nobody knew exactly how long, she can't speak, there's blood on the floor, bleeding from her ear, Gloriosa and Marion became friends, when they were 4, her parents grew up together, so , they were gossips, not bothering to tell Hathori, they met in one of the restaurants in town, by the side of the road.

When the woman reported that she works for us, we were 1 year old when she started there, she treated them as if they were her own, took care of the house in the countryside, no one imagined that she had such a busy routine, she had two children, she needed work, period, she didn't have paid vacations, if Gloriosa gets sick, she would go to work, she couldn't miss it.

Richard took a knife in the kitchen, Richard was only 5 years old, she had two sons John and Marcos.

Since according to informants, Meggie let them do what they wanted, Richard talked to you when he talked to his friends, so he killed squirrels and other animals so, he was 5 years old when he started to be violent.

- She didn't do anything to stop it? – Hathori questioned.

- She wanted them to do it for her, the woman kept saying that her job was over after nine months. Marion said.

- She hired wet nurses. Marion said.

After the accident, in which Gloriosa was taken to the hospital, she had a traumatic brain injury, subdural hematoma, broken ribs, because of the wound, she was unconscious and conscious, she cannot tell her family when she was in the hospital, she started to move her arms and legs but she tried to take her mask off but she couldn't speak.

They went to visit, she started moving her legs, she was trying to talk to her, trying to take off her mask to talk to Dona.

While Gloriosa was in the hospital, not even the boy or Meg went to visit the hospital, she died three weeks after being admitted to the hospital.

When Hathori infiltrated the hospital, while talking to some doctors, in the file room, someone paid, I mean, rolled over money for a report to come out, it was due to natural causes.

Even so, no one investigated, so if she tripped and fell or it was an accident, the rumors were that Gloriosa found Richard's drugs, when she met Richard he had no regard for anyone, it was a possibility.

Even though you might never know, but whatever, beyond what the countless possibilities were, what they discovered was that there was a series of accidents that happened to employees over the years.

In the cemetery, the only person who didn't talk to her, didn't seem normal, Woody Scavengers, he let him take care of it, fell on my stairs, blame, there was no dog barking, she was just there on the ground.

They had dogs, they had kennels, they had dogs in the hunting lodge, but the reality nobody knew, beyond the rumors of ceremonies and the fits of rage and destruction that followed at full moon.

So Woody went to meet his last maid's children, he told them, still in the cemetery.

- I am responsible for your mother's death. - He said.

- I'll pay compensation to you. - He said.

Hathori went after many investigations to talk to Gloriosa's children, unlike that family, they were lizard men, in turn,

Even if according to Hathori who said to Amasteus, that the idea of suing is so ridiculous, as part of two sides, the idea was unacceptable for a lawyer to do that.

He told him, Gloriosa's son, a wrongful death lawsuit by his lawyer friend that he filed until they contacted Woody.

They were on hold, nothing was known, they believed and trusted Woody, when the boys found out that there was an agreement, they were shocked, Gloriosa's children did not know about the agreement.

A deal and a request for $550,000 in a deal, a detective and a reporter went to the Saterfiels, never seen a case of this much theft, a lawyer was covered up, five deaths all associated with Scavengers.

So they according to Amasteus...

- He shouldn't be the only one. - Amasteus said. – If he did it to them, then he did it to others. - Then...

- Let's dig further, according to notary records and even forums. Hathori said.

In 2015, six years earlier, Woody opened an account called Forge, which belonged to a consulting group, which finances and manages small amounts over time.

The Forge account was an investment and stock account that returned a large amount of investment that all the other companies were also investing in.

Since any lawyer who heard the name Forge consulting, that name passed in legitimate funding processes, but in reality it was the personal account of the company Aliex, which Hathori using the shares and the low value it caused with its association with Scavengers, managed to buy.