About that.

Andreas learned of a series of massacres, attacks and deaths of various henchmen around the city, where several mobsters were ambushed and killed...

On that day in question, which was the day he would have turned 25, he was invited to his own party with the mobsters and rich people who would present, he had been in charge of the company for almost 4 years.

Andreas discovered the finger, the growing influence of a Russian mobster, according to his sources he was dangers and a ruthless man, he knew that this same mobster was coming to town where he was going to present himself to the high echelon and the high city society, was the same man who had wanted him since he'd seen him at the associates' party when he was 13.

Some men are highly valued for their big cars, others are the best in sports, their values are sometimes in the fact that they are marked by their lives, what defines a man, how he should be represented or the scent he has. it will be defined at times, it is by its equity...

Where they were philanthropists, where their family invested in the city for over 400 years, they were one of the founding families of the city who came in the period of great migrations, in periods of great navigations, when they sought a new home away from persecution.

He comes from an interracial family, his father German, while his mother was Japanese, well he almost got married, he even dumped his bride at the altar...

Simply, he remembered a bet among wealthy businessmen, that he was valued at that time, he almost married at the age of 21, as the richest man in Lovecraft's city his fame, reputation and his heritage were measured in a different way. .

The city was going through a structuring, where they used tax incentives to rebuild the city, but even so, he tried to control both the obtuse side of the city, and the fact that he was at that time, kidnapped in broad daylight, in the middle of their a company party in the middle of the fundraising auction.

If he didn't know better, he would believe that the international mobster being that they were Sasha and Alexander Vassilliev, the red-haired twins, who that week amidst the visit to his company became partners, then, winning him over, plotted his kidnapping, before he got to his party, so there he was, tied up, being surrounded before going to the party, when he was stopped in the middle of a traffic light.

His value was measured by how many times he was kidnapped, as he avoided him and rejected his advances, if he didn't get suspicious, he would be taken to his building, which was a few hours' drive, mobster, international Russian oligarch , financier of wars, entrepreneur of intermediate branches and arms manufactures.

Andreas was valued how many times he was kidnapped, due to the fact that this was not the first time, no, he was kidnapped at least three times, in the same week.

He struggled to be subdued by a stun gun, as he was led by henchmen towards a garage, it was this mobster's mansion that was literally at the entrance to the closed reserve.

There he was, trapped, bound and dominated being taken towards the mansion.

- Put him to bed – A henchman said, seeing that he was escorted and taken inside and walking down a staircase in the middle of going to the luxurious room with a four-poster bed, where he saw him trapped and tied up, blindfolded, lying in bed.

It didn't take long to hear the door close, then a space of time for it to open...

- What you want? – He questioned him. - Money?

- Not you. - The deep voice said.

- We. - They said.

He knew that voice, he knew who it was, he had an idea, but...

- There is the right way to ask for a date and so, I don't want to. - He said.

He heard a set of laughter that was coming his way and the bed dipped in on both sides.

- Do you know why your godmother doesn't want me to approach you? – He questioned him.

- I realized why. - He said. "But is this how you're going to do what you want?"

- A measure to prevent you from running away. - He listened. - Let's see when I'm done, you can run to your godmother, I have to send some of your men to take control of the mafia in your city, while I stay here with you. - He said.

“Do you know what I'll do with your mob associates?

- I have an idea. Andreas said.

- So, I'm going to start by leaving you entertained and distracted so that you don't find out so soon that I'm going to have my men in your city.

He was going to kill all the mobsters and keep control of the city, meanwhile, he would be there serving as the piece of delicacy for him.

- Will I be able to leave later? Andreas questioned.

- It depends on how much you collaborate, if you let me distract you and if you are docile. - He said.

- I know. Andreas said.

- So we have a deal? – The mobster questioned.

- Yea. - He said.

- Good. - Then he heard a moan, then he felt his lips, on his, two lips, pulling his face on each side, kissing him.

At that time, he heard the noise of clothes falling to the floor, when he felt the bed sink, while the men opened his blouse, his vest, pulled and he felt two knives tearing his blouse, taking pieces of his clothes ....

- Do not tear. - He asked when he felt the body of the knife in which he reduced his clothes in lint, almost next to his skin, the man stopped and smiling said.

- I'll buy you some more. - He said.

Meanwhile, he knew what was coming, it was a deal between them.

He had his legs spread, continuing to cut through his clothes, pulling off what was left of them, where he was lifting his ass, as he pulled off what was left of his belt, pants and underwear...

- I never... - He tried to say, while the man caressed his body, starting at his thighs, going up to his cock. - Wait....

- Calm down, I know. - He said. – I followed him and watched. - He said.

Spreading her legs, cupping her body sideways, he kissed her ass, stroking it, one leg above the other, as he kissed her, turning her face forward, he felt the bed sink in, with the man lying on top of him, heavy and big, hair on his chest, kissing his neck.

- You are beautiful, you have a beautiful body. - He said.

So when he felt the weight of a man, who was big, his penis hard, he felt the wetness between his own penis, the man's penis felt big and hard between his legs, he caressed his nipples, kissing and licking starting to rise between kisses.