At that time, Alexander and Sasha pulled Andreas out of bed. - Let's take a bath. Alexander said.

At that time, being held by Sasha. - You do not need. Andreas said.

- I want to. - Sasha said, leading him towards a huge bathroom, which seemed to be a swimming pool, more than a simple bathtub, in which they entered then turned on the faucet, when they took a shower together, in which he stayed for a while. alternating between the men's laps.

When they took turns cleaning, when they were each getting out of the shower, when Andreas was caught between the men drying him, that time, when he was only wearing a robe.

As Andreas sat watching the two men change into red suits, then they escorted him with them, in which the three descended the stairs, where he was awaited by his henchmen, a man with dark glasses and short white hair, another man who was black with rastafarian hair.

His henchmen, who were a brick wall, were waiting for them with their suits and guns over their clothes, waiting for them in the kitchen, when he was being taken there, when he went to sit at the table, with a butler and maids serving food to table for him while Andreas started drinking coffee followed by milk and tea, bread, fruit and biscuits, some sweets.

- What's new? - Sasha questioned.

- We are ready to surround and intercept them. - One of them said.

- We are waiting for your orders. - One of them said.

- So, you can give orders to intercept and board them, don't let them leave the city, block all exits and borders. – Sasha said.

In the middle of saying this to the communicator.

- We're ready, sir. - The black said.

Some of them are hiding in their offices. - Another said.

- Accuem, we're going to split up to get them, put the shooters ready. – Sasha said.

- So, let's go now to get them out of our way. Alexander said.

Both turn towards Andreas, kissing him. – We'll find out later. – Sasha said.

- We'll come back later, long enough to take you to the party. Alexander said.

- Leave the television on for the news, our actions were part of history. - Sasha said.

Then they left there with their employees and henchmen.

In their chariots they approached, besieged and ambushed every part of the city, eliminating every one of their enemies, it was to have no competition.

Then, Sasha saw that a former Japanese businessman, a Yakuza mobster was surrounded in his escape, he was heading towards his private airport, before he got on his plane, he was surrounded, when cars were coming towards him.

- Shoot them... - The Japanese ordered, but he was surrounded by several of his henchmen.

- How dare you? – The Japanese questioned him.

- You pay us well, but they offered more. – His former right arm said. – Don't let him on the plane. - One of them said.

- Kill the pilot and bring his wife and daughter. – One of them said, when some men entered the plane, soon leaving with two women in tears, crying as they went down the stairs, at that time, they were taken and placed next to Hiro, who was one of the mobsters and who tried to escape from the City.

At that time, when they arrived there, it was Sasha, he was not alone trumpeted by his henchmen who wore black clothes, armed to the teeth.

- So this is how it ends? – The Japanese man said.

- No, that's how it starts. – Sasha said.

- Have mercy on my daughter, let her live, he begged as he prostrated himself on the ground.

- Kill them all, mercy is for the weak. – Sasha said.

Then several men machine-gunned that family at the same time.

There was an undertaking of death for the city of Lovecraft County, in which several businessmen and politicians were surrounded, ambushed and cornered, trucks, transport cars were surrounded, prevented from leaving the city.

Following an enterprise of murder and violence that took over the city, while normal families hid in their homes, while organized crime and the mafia, the most prominent mafia leaders were cornered and killed.

Meanwhile at the airport.

Some henchmen cornered a vessel that would supposedly be used to transport merchandise, entering the ship, in which they cornered several henchmen, in a Scottish mafia family, in which they took them out of the ship, between begging, in which they they were killing in front of several men when Sasha called the shots.

- Kill them all, don't leave a relative alive, nor the children, nor an old, young or anyone. – Sasha said.

Vessels were prevented from leaving the harbor at the Lovecraft County Pier.

Alexander cornered and surrounded an Italian mobster who tried to leave the city, going through the underground channels and the agents were literally attacking every one of his henchmen, some men were simply turning against an obese and paunchy mobster, who was cornered when leaving a tunnel, he was not alone, like everyone else, he was with his family, his five children and his wife and mother-in-law were surrounded.

- You will not escape. Alexander said.

At that time, he said.

- Please, mercy. - The Italian said.

- Never. Alexander said.

- Shoot. Alexander said,

Then many men fired at once, killing them all.

Several buildings were surrounded and invaded, mansions were machine-gunned, the police were attacked.

Several channels televised that around the city, there were a series of attacks where reporters were covering the news of various businessmen, and each mafia family was cornered, then machine gunned, numerous buildings and chases through the city, several mobsters and their families were caught in a series of ambushes, when they were caught, killed, in bars, restaurants.

The henchmen went to various parts of the town of Lovecraft County, in which they placed the following proposal.

- Either join us or die. – They said.

About that.

- We're covering the news the city of Lovecraft County is under attack, the police have enacted a curfew. – A reporter said.

Several television channels were covering the events, Andreas watching on television and an employee and bodyguard of his two men standing guard.