Laboratory Night
We are inside a dimly light lab at the New Energy Organization. We drift down to see scientists going about their business, we see a large metal container alive with a bright gold energy. We see the main scientist approach the container looking at it from time to time and taking notes. From nowhere a voice from nowhere speaks.
You know I will escape again… Shepard…
Ryan Shepard
I commend you on your efforts, X…but you know I had no choice…
I comprehend your actions Shepard, but I simply cannot allow myself to be imprisoned within this...Thing!
The gold energy dims and takes on a humanoid form and looks down at Ryan.
Ryan Shepard
Look X… I'm sorry for putting you in the container, but you were a danger… I didn't make the decision it was the board!
Your superior is coming, and he has brought...guests!
Ryan Shepard
Shit, that's all I need!
Listen friend… Best hide for now, don't want them learning, you can speak and that you’re clearly an intelligent being.
For you, my new found friend anything!
X’s humanoid form disappears and his energy glows bright and at the same time Ryan's superior and the board enter the lab talking. He walks to up to Ryan shaking his hand but Ryan angrily let's go.
Ryan Shepard
(Through clenched teeth)
What the hell you doing here, I told you to stay the fuck out my lab with those brown nosers...Spencer…
James Spencer
Remember… Shepard…
I own this company, I own the board… I even own your fucking ass… So don't bite the hand that feeds you…
Ryan Shepard
Just get out, and just go and let your friends kiss your ass!
James turns and leaves and greets the board and leads them out the lab. As the giant doors close at the same time X retakes his humanoid form…
Ryan Shepard
My thoughts exactly… Ryan could you come closer… I promise I won't try and escape…
Ryan cautiously steps forward and some unknown force grabs him and slams him hard against the container. Gold energy sparks brightly for a moment then a loud bang is heard and Ryan drops hard to the floor. The other scientists rush to his aid and begin to pick him up but he shrugs them off and awkwardly stands to his feet as his eyes briefly flash gold.
End of Chapter 1