Chapter Three

Run down lab:Night

We are inside a broken down shady lab a light flickers on and off. We see a body strapped to a table and two men standing over the body. We drift slowly towards them and stop.


Are you sure, you recreated the results?

Man 2

I did John, but it looks like another failure.

John Logan

I agree, Alex. We've spent enough of the budget.

Alex Logan

If we spend anymore, they'll get suspicious.

John Logan

What about… Him?

Alex Logan

Leave him!

If and only if he wakes up, he'll be a vegetable…

Alex and John turn and leave. Several moments pass then a bodiless voice speaks


Wake up!

The man stirs momentarily.



The man sits up slowly and groans and clutches his head. The straps quickly snap off as he sits up.


Much better!


Where am I?


You have been abandoned, by your colleagues, and subjected to… Something beyond your comprehension...Samuel Shepard…

Sam Shepard

Don't call me that,

You sound like that bitch, who called herself my stepmom! Call me Sam. So who, or what the fuck are you doin in my head?!


I… Was project z, if project X did not succeed. But they went ahead, keeping it a secret. It does not matter how I got in your head… But i will protect you and give you a gift beyond your wildest dreams. If you let me live.

Sam Shepard

(Rubs his hands and smirks)

I like the sound of that.

You got a deal, but back out of it… I'll fry my brain first opportunity I get. Deal?


The terms are agreeable…

The man starts to stand up groggily.

Sam Shepard

Holy shit! What's wrong with me?!


Your equilibrium has not recovered, allow me to assist you

A slow dull red flash is seen and Sam stands more confidently.


Is that more to your liking?

Sam Shepard

Much better thanks, so do you have a name?


My name is Korell, I have traveled to your world for one reason.

Sam Shepard

And that is?


To find those responsible for my incarceration. I know who my first target is. It is, my brother… Like you I was out shined… By my brother… But one day, something changed within him!

Sam Shepard

Yeah I know how that feels.

I remember the day, me and Ryan both went for the project leader job! He said even though I had good grades, he said I should hang back.


We are kindred spirits you and I.

But we must press on, I fear that we will be in danger if we linger here too long.

Sam Shepard

Am I supposed to go, almost half naked?!

From nowhere a black substance begins to creep all over Sam's body and hugs his body. He looks curiously at his new attire.


This will give you some extra protection from anyone that opposes us. Our journey will not be easy and maybe perilous.

Sam Shepard

I like it. So we both track down our respective siblings.

(Through clenched teeth)

And beat the shit outta them.

End of Chapter Three