Chapter Nine

Abandoned temple: Unknown Time

We see a bright blood red flash and Korell appears and looks at his surroundings.


Hmm… This must be the location of what I seek.

A dark booming voice from nowhere speaks


So… You have come...Korell!


Who are you?!


I am that of what you seek...power! I can give you power Korell, if you set me free.

Suddenly a dark purple crystal flies into the middle of the room and hovers in front of Korell. He smiles wickedly.


I know you want revenge on those who have wronged you, I can grant you the power to overcome your enemies… But first you must release me.


If I do this, will you give me this power that you offer?!


Indeed…. All you have to do is place your hands on the crystal…

Korell places his hands on the crystal and at the same time purple energy snakes up his arms and into his body. His eyes change from blood red to bright purple.
