They were both possessive and jealous, even though he was their soul mate, still, it was too much to ask, not to be cornered, caught, kissed in dark corners, pushed toward stairs and alleys, fucked hard, yet wobbly. , even if they said.
- Let's talk later, in which he knew that his pants went up, well crumpled, but no one seemed to pay attention, or ignored.
When Sasha returned to the party, even though they were oozing out of her, spasming and twitching, they didn't give her space, because they were capable of killing anyone who looked anything other than friendly.
He was in the middle of a circle of businessmen and investors, who saw the newly reformed and rebuilt city when it was recently freed from the high society of the mafia and the crime syndicate, when through investigations to bring to light the deviations of funds and the failure to declare the tax authorities, made them flee, not before shipments of money were intercepted, diverted and stolen.
Now, he was showing the wheel of those interested in investing in moving the economy and generating jobs, in companies and factories recently purchased, which were abandoned on the trails of corrupt politicians who fled from the FBI and who were denounced by informants with promises to save the their lives and not be killed at the first opportunity.
When Sasha was remembering what was told to him by the priests of Um-Mu.
Thousands of years ago.
It was during the so-called blood wars, the angels launched their wars, as a way to face the demons, the prize was the humans.
The war lasted for ages from the ends of time, until the middle of the Middle Ages with the Black Death that unleashed the deaths of millions, while towards the power of the divine clergy there was a hunt for witches.
The blood wars, in total there were three wars, in which they almost decimated humanity in which they also led to the near extinction of angels and demons, when the gods became involved in battles to choose sides, leading to countless endings, repeated Ragnarok , final judgment among so many moments in which worlds were brought to extinction.
What was once a turf war, with humanity's emergence becoming a war for followers, both forces tried to drive humans and other beings that rose into their ranks amidst occupying a vacant spot left by the carnage.
The wars were for the faithful and those who had the most followers won, with the wars, there were casualties on both sides, in the midst of transforming ages ago.
When the world crumbled so that it was turned into a desert, when there were almost no lives, wars brought both forces to the brink of extinction.
So, in the midst of this, the greatest representatives of both sides did the unthinkable, they offered their children as sacrifices to stop the war.
Among the representatives were a offspring of Cain that should be sacrificed so that it could take a child of Abel's offspring, since the children of Cain were vampires and the children of Abel were werewolves, they should wait for the representative of the avatar of the great dragon of rebirth the so-called beast of the end that brought rain and rebirth.
Every 200 years, an avatar of the beast of the end was born, in which he would have to wait a period of 2000 years so that he could be the mediator and the bridge that would connect the love of the first offspring of Cain and Abel.
Since Romulus Darkness is the son of Cain, the first vampire generated by the sacrifice of Cain's wife, and the son of Abel called Alexander Luci Bel, in which he was the first werewolf generated by the sacrifice of Abel's wife, they should follow and wait for the mediator and the one destined to be the twin and immortal soul that would be born from the family of the priest of Delphos so that they could form the triad of destined loves.
To bring about an end to the famine and wars between the families of Cain and Abel, the first generation of children of each of the representatives of each of Adam and Eve's children must sacrifice their lives, along with the community of first generation followers.
The one on what would become known as the great Crimson Cross Temple Preserve, where they were supposed to build the largest temple out of trees and underground crops first, which is how it happened.
For years, they built the temples and underground passages through the caves between the underground crops.
The angels and demons, united and took their priests so that the vampires and werewolves could stay and stay in the subterranean temples between the subterranean caves where they would be born from them when they were planted as a peace agreement.
The great orchard of blood, which would be formed by vampires, in which they would make them suck their lives, living eternally, where the trees of blood fruits were born.
While the werewolves would give their lives so that the orchards of golden apples of eternal life would arise, in which they were similar to apples that would feed all vampires and give strength and vitality to werewolves.
Then came the great order of Um-Mu, who would be the administrators and guardian priests of the so-called temples of the Midnight Sun, where they would guard and administer the order and the priests who would search and train around the world, each descendant of the order and destined son, who would be the avatar every 200 years, amidst putting down roots in the town of Lovecraft County.
Unlike the chosen one and avatar of the ruin that would be born every 200 years, his parents were mortal, but the children were immortal, however, he only became immortal when he reached the age of majority and went through the ceremony, when he died, he would follow a cycle and reincarnated every 200 years, so he was mortal.
In the midst of this, a group of rebels and traitors dissidents of corrupt men, betrayed the order and tried to destroy the alliance, hunting and trying to kill the followers of the order.
They were the followers of chaos and destruction, they bent on hunting down the family and killing both the avatar of doom and some descendants of the avatar.
Three times in the space of over a thousand years, this order of rebels managed to find the avatar and their families, then kill them.
So, committed to protecting the avatar and not letting them die, they started looking for it, when they got back on their feet and went to isolate themselves in the city of Lovecraft County.
Finally, one of the followers managed to ambush the Delphos family, shooting each one of them, when it came to little Sasha Liang Delphos, even if he was just called Sasha Delphos for short...
Being saved and rescued at the last hour, when he managed to be brought to safety, in which he was raised by his godparents the white wolf of France, called Veronika , and his godfather, Amasteus Patterdaemonum , the great blue devil.
He was trained and traveled around the world until he underwent initiation at the age of 18, becoming paralyzed at that age, never dying or aging.
So, his town where he was born, in which at the time his parents who were the great benefactors of the town of Lovecraft County, amidst the entire state, was taken over by criminality, when it was corrupted, amid training the your mind, your body and your spirit.
In which he studied different martial arts, in which he studied in several colleges, school, graduating in record time, when he started training, in which he trained until he graduated, then, he returned to the city of Lovecraft County.