- How did they only find out about him after he disappeared? – The detective questioned.

Tsuki turned around with a sheaf of documents as well as reports. – Robbery and other minor crimes, getting involved with other delinquents, drugs and vagrancy. Tsuki said.

- He stole some cars, we have some documents, crimes and false identities. Tsuki said.

- When it started? - A policeman questioned.

– Started early, aged 14. Tsuki said.

- His parents decided to put him in a boarding school, turns out he got kicked out of seven schools, causing trouble, being a troublemaker, they didn't know what else to do with him, according to his father. – Tsuki was reporting about the case to the police on the case.

So what was the commissioner's decision? – Tsuki questioned.

The other cop was on his cell phone, the answer was clear.

- Arrest them when you find them. - Nagai said, on the phone.

- Wait and see that I will hunt you like animals, you damned delinquents. - The man promised in the midst of his wrath.

In another place, between the spirit zones, that region that is connected to the spirit passages that are between the spirit stations, there was a place that was between the spirit boundaries, the spirit guide that took the souls was sitting on a chair, the table of a kind of gray garden with a thick mist around them.

Around, seated at the table were three escorts dressed in black with long dresses, each of them with pale skin and long white hair, in the midst of what would be drinking mugs of tea, around them, were four more women and a young man who had just arrived. there, huddled around the table, sitting in their chairs, they wore the torn clothes of rockers and goths from the moment they were killed, even though they related how they died, the events that preceded their deaths, still with the death marks of when they arrived at that location.

A girl with burn marks, another girl with welts that showed rock marks from beatings, a boy with stab marks, as if they were healed, among other bruises.

- So, until at some point it was good, we had fun. - The blonde girl with burn marks said.

- I just arrived, but they had problems, disgusting. - One of them said.

- I tried to get along with them, but when I realized it, it was too late to leave quietly. - A boy said.

- I didn't even realize... - The blonde girl said.

- I can stop for a while. - The other said.

- So, you didn't realize at the time that they killed her? - The boy questioned her.

- Was fast. – The girl said. - I have not seen. - The other said.

- I drank to stay out of reality. – The girl said.

- That's how I was burned without... - The girl spoke.

- Without you suffering or knowing. - The escort said.

Even if a bit huddled, that they were there to talk and report on how they were going to proceed.

- My life was not easy, I could not cope. - She said.

- So, I started running away and drinking to escape... - She said.

- So, it all boils down to escape, do yourself harm not to face the problems. - The escort said.

- I didn't want to face. - She said.

- You spent too much time of your life, doing yourself harm to realize what you were getting into. - The escort said.

- Everything that happened in my life was my fault, but that didn't give them the right to kill us. – The burnt girl said.

Anyway, it was more than two days' work, the first stop was towards an abandoned factory, where they found another beaten body, they were there looking that there was a series of scattered papers and documents, then.

A dead-end street, they looked at that dirty place, an abandoned factory, so there it was on the ground, turned on and partially burned with the broken glass, the boy's cell phone.

Now, they were on a dead end street, but when they saw the place, there was a bill for a pizza delivery, which was across the block in another apartment, it was a condo in a low-income building full of crime.

Anyway, there was a batch of delivery addresses, some credit card payments for food, so they followed the trail when the delinquents were hiding in their dark, unlit attic.

Tsuki in turn, left the prison in the hands of the police, at that time, he had a meeting with the victims, there were generally many of them.

They would go in their opinion, struggling to find the place, leaving the place with the coroners and forensic experts to collect evidence as well as proof.

So with the SWAT team, where they raided that apartment.

- Stopped. – The policemen told the front of the group, when they tried to jump through the window of the entrance to the fire escape, to be approached in the street at the end of the alley, in which they pursued them, in the middle of the other side of the building.

- You know, they got us. - They said laughing.

- So, this is your last smile. - One of the policemen said, when making the search in that low-income apartment.

- You think, let's laugh a lot. - They said.

- Hands behind your head. — They said, when they read their rights.

- You are under arrest. - He said. - Kneel down with your hands on your head. – The police said when making the arrest.

In another place in the middle of the spiritual sectors, where they were in the middle of the spiritual station, where all the victims, who arrived there, were united for eternity as friends.

- Now, we will never part. - They said.

- It hurt, didn't it, but finally, we're friends, finally, we're together to never suffer again or be separated. - They said to finally, they hug each other.

– We will take revenge on them, we will be their jailers. - They said.

- I've made countless mistakes in my life. - He said.

- I saw them killed every one of them. - He said. – It was one of my biggest mistakes, for in the end, they killed me. - He said.

- Have you made a decision? – The escort on their right questioned them.

- We have decided that we are going to make them stop the murders. – They said together.

About that...

Physical world, going to prison, at the police station.

- They're twins. – The case detectives said.

- Great, I thought they were look-alikes. - The other said.

The man turned around with the boys' record, where they took his fingerprints, where they started the arrest procedures.

- Their names are Elmet and John, Horowitz, 18 years old, with a long record of crimes, from armed robbery, car thefts, in addition to various petty crimes of harassment, sexual harassment. - They said. – Persecution, too. - The man said.

- Why weren't they arrested for the crime of persecution? - One of the detectives asked when looking at the long record.

- They dropped the charges. - He said.

- So I still ask, why?

- Same as before, threats, among other details. - One of them said.

- Why? “One of them needed to know.

– Apparently, they were stalkers and were threatening and prowling around the victims' homes.

Kinship...? – One of them asked.

- His mother died, he was taken care of by his aunt, who is a pimp. - He said.

- What about the father? – He questioned.

- Crime of rape and murder, crimes of trafficking and crime of organizing a mafia member. - He said.

- What did he do for the mafia? – He questioned.

- Apparently, cleaning, and I'm not talking about clothes and not about the house. - He said.

- Then we'll be arrested again. - One of them said.

- What a novelty. - The other said. – Put us in the same cell. – The one on the right asked.

The policeman who was in charge of the case said. – Put them in separate sectors, in another corridor. - He said.

- Hey. – They said then were separated.

At that time, while they were doing the rest of the prison preparations, they were each placed in cells in separate locations.

- We found that under the floors in that apartment there were more than 30 remains, pieces of different people, they had more than 30 documents with pieces from the freezers. - One of them said.

- So what were they going to do with the bodies? - One of them questioned.

- Apparently, we're going to put one more thing on your criminal records. - One of them said.

- What? - One questioned.

– Kidnapping and cannibalism. - The other said.

Meanwhile, sitting in their cells, each of them, not only visited by one, but several of their dead victims, were the lost souls.

- No... - It was the twin from the other pavilion, he was dragging himself, trying at all costs to stay as far away from the haunting as possible...

- I... - He saw ghosts, spirits getting closer and closer to him, pressing him between him and the door of his cell, running towards the doorway of the cell.

- I killed you. - He said.

The same was said of the other twin, he was desperate.

- Thank you for uniting us, we were very lonely, now we will be together for the rest of eternity. - They said, getting closer and closer.

- I will never let you live one more day. – They said.

- Congratulations, we ourselves will send you to hell, we will be your guides and your jailers. – They said.

- No... - They said... - Don't come any closer....

- Please... - They said.

- Guards get us out of here... - His screams.

That time, when they were watching, the hands wrapped around their necks, when they were pressed, their jaws were grabbed, pulled up, spirits entered them with everything inside them, when they screamed and wailed, then, blood splattered in the cell , overflowing through the door, when the guards hearing the distress calls rushed towards the cell, only to arrive too late.

They saw them dead, badly mangled, their mouths torn off, blood from their eyes, nose and ears squirting towards the door.

All of them were dead.

- They were murdered. – One of the guards said, when they arrived, too late.