Gates of hell...

Selene was one of the guides of the spiritual worlds who was there to send troubled souls to hell, at her side walking slowly, in a black Japanese schoolgirl's outfit, there was her new company and professional colleague.

- What were you looking for when you killed yourself? - She questioned.

- Revenge, I don't see why reincarnate. - She said.

- Why? - The other questioned.

- Because I don't know if in my next life what life I will have, I don't know if I will suffer again, I prefer to choose hell, if I return to take revenge, than not knowing what will happen to me in my new life. - She said.

- You know Nana, you have no idea if it will be a new life, but you choose revenge, when in doubt. - She said.

- That's a sure choice. - She said.

In the world of the living.

Among a select group of occultists, among the followers of the Um-Mu cult, some copies of the book of revenge were disseminated, where it was inscribed, it told about revenge, which could lead a person who died by violence or suicide to return to plan her revenge, of course, in exchange for eternal damnation, in the midst of trading death for death, being the jailer of the source of her revenge.

Not many simply had a desire to kill, but many suffered and had a desire for revenge, some were followers of Um-Mu who chose revenge over salvation.

What happened frequently, there were scouts and acquirers who frequented some environments, looking and recruiting some victims to become the aggressors, spreading the books of the vengeful ones as they became known.

Bullying victims were the ones who were recruited the most.

Nana Kim and Christina Jenner, in turn, were friends, united by the only thing that made them partners and equals.

They were different, in appearance, Nanda had long black hair and being a Japanese, tall in which they attended the same school, and she was tall, next to a red-haired Englishwoman with green eyes and short with short and wavy hair, being friends for a long time, they were united in a revenge plan.

The four popular girls at school, one blonde, one redhead, two black girls with ebony skin, in which they together were bullies, in addition to being rich, spoiled, who beat the younger ones, had boyfriends who threatened others girls, some girls, in addition to being subdued and they were threatened by these girls who, in order to stop hitting them, paid for them to stop.

At that time, between a cliff with a sea below them, between rocks and stones, between strong waves around them, a whipping wind, strong and cutting winds.

- That's all that's left for me, see you in hell. - Nana said, then jumping towards the rocks, in the sea below.

She died instantly, she didn't know how to swim, the rocks where she hit when she fell into the sea, being carried away by the current.

At that time, when she died, the fire department and rescue divers were called, at that time, rescuing the body of a girl with bruises on her face.

So, the parents arrived at the place when they were called, there was no one there waiting, when they called it was an anonymous call, according to what they said, she had no friends, because according to her diaries.

Her parents went towards the delegate, summoning explanations from the police commissioner.

- She was bullied, forced to commit suicide. - Her father said.

- I found a diary, which said that she was intimate, that she was beaten by four girls. – Her mother said.

- I know that the diary says a lot, but it's just a diary, if you don't find a corroborating witness, then, you won't be able to do anything, I won't be able to proceed with the investigation. - He said.

The commissioner, was a man with a long walrus-like mustache, he was tall wearing a brown suit and muscular.

So they left there, in tears, desperate.

Her friend who saw her throw herself off the cliff was afraid of being alone, she knew that because of cowardice and the suicide pact, she should die and go to hell, she used the candles to communicate with the spirit of her deceased friend, but she told no one that she had a diary in her possession which told about her friend.

So, she was isolated in her room, what she didn't know was that little by little, the police began to threaten and intimidate some colleagues, who, afraid of being accomplices, handed over the other girls, but they still charged money and beat other colleagues. .

- We still haven't received this week's help, Christina. – The blonde girl approached her.


They were running desperately when the haunting chased them towards their homes.

As each of them were approached by the same spirits, when it looked towards the blonde, bugs chased her, when she tried to run away to be pushed, she ran down a side staircase to a street, only to trip and fall towards the sidewalk below, almost none of them were being chased, suffering injuries.

- I have something for you. - She said.

- What is it? – The redhead asked.

- Cards. - She said, handing it to them.

At that time, they took the letters, which when opened said,

Isolated in their rooms, afraid of their haunting.

- You will be the next to die.

Meanwhile, at school, the teachers were talking to the students.

- While it's time, you have to declare who was the cause of this death. - A teacher said.

- Confess before it's too late, we're already under investigation. - A teacher said, when entering the classroom when they were gathered there.

- We know who did it. - The bully said, trying to place the blame on a stranger.

- It's no use lying, you are also being investigated, it's not to lie. - She said.

They laughed, at every corner, but as they turned, they saw the ghostly figure of Nana, who was chasing them, jumping and slashing at them, they had been haunted by every corner, with threats and pursuits from a spirit that was threatening them like them, a day they did with them, accidents happened frequently, hauntings, screams, moans, not being able to sleep.

- I will kill you. – She threatened, appearing to the four girls, in addition to causing accidents for their boyfriends, when they had a series of accidents after each other.

Between falling down the stairs, falling off their motorcycles, being run over, one of the chandeliers and many other objects that made them isolate themselves in their homes.

The scared girls went to Nana's parents' house, begging for forgiveness, when they assumed it was them.

They approached Christina when they left their homes, towards the school, when they saw that the girl, having fun with them, her despair.

- What did Nana say before she died? – The blonde questioned her.

The girl was smiling at their pain and suffering, as she turned around and said, with a sinister expression.

- She said, that you will die. - She said, leaving there, when the girls threw themselves crying towards the ground.

At that time, she started to haunt, but what she didn't know, the pact she didn't fulfill, she should have thrown herself off the cliff together with Nana, then, smiling, towards her bathtub, laughing and having fun with her feeling of victory for the first time, happiness, when they were suffering.

- You found happiness before me, besides betraying me and finding revenge, abusing my help.

- Who said that? – The girl questioned.

Rising from the bathroom in front of her, as Christina saw a long, wet haired ghost looking down at her, imposing her height on the other girl huddled in the bathtub, as she was looking up, as she approached like water. oozing from her translucent body as she lunged at her and choked her.

- I'll kill you, we'll go to hell together, you'll help me take the others with us to hell. - She said. “Cursing us all to death and sending us to hell.

Then she turned her towards the bathtub, drowning the other towards the bathtub, laying her down suffocating, when she drowned her, she died with an expression of terror and fear.

When they together, with no choice now, each of them, went towards the four girls and their boyfriends, they caught them, in their pursuit, they were thrown towards the cliff, in the midst of their escapes, they fell towards to the cliff.

They all went to hell, together and without salvation.