As well as the two powers that were considered "local deities", Sevoraress and Sinamumnda, in which in the kingdom of women shark from Deep Kingdoms of the black waters of the queens of shadows even sheltered.

That being the site of the cult that became active in the territories and border kingdoms between werewolves and vampires for a short period after the Lunar Catastrophes Era of the Great Gray Moon Era.

As found in many metropolises across the Realms, Dark Siren Territories housed many secret places of worship where devotees of dark powers could exercise their secret beliefs.

In the kingdom of the shark women of the deep realms of the black waters the shadow queens maintained secluded shrines and temples in undisclosed locations for Anuvis, Sevorar.

At least two Fury Deities in Auril and Umberlee.

Even marginalized groups such as the Cult of the Dragon and so-called "beast cultists" could gather within the territories and border realms between werewolves and vampires to conduct business related to their malevolent deities.

Although talona's faith was considered misguided or bad, that did not mean that small groups of lay followers could not practice their personal faith.

However, building a public house of worship for her was prohibited in Dark Siren Territories, where it was also illegal to form a public priesthood dedicated to her.

From the beginning of the reign of decay, being a new temple to Valkur had already been built in the territories and bordering kingdoms between the werewolves and the vampires, in which in the same year, the wolf goddess Exiled deity Estrausisn was witnessed while dancing in the moonlight, near the walls of border territories and kingdoms.

Being that it was between the werewolves and the vampires, up the road to Amphail. This led many of her followers to In the Realm of the Shark Women from the Dark Water Deep Realms of the Shadow Queens, with the aim of creating a sanctuary for their goddess within their mystical dimension and their borders between werewolves and vampires, when the projects were supported by Harper's main delegate, Remallia Haventree.

In addition to the standard Harptos Calendar festivals, there were several festivals and holy days held in Dark Siren Territories:

Zarathanis Day, being a holiday celebrated on the first day of Um-Mu Religion, commemorating the birthday of Zarathanis. It consisted of small details, such as toasting the Priests of Um-Mu; leaving violets at the base of the Tower of Zarathanis, the Plinth, or on top of the altars of the Temples of Holy Orders.

In which the warrior priests played songs in honor of the Old Mage, in which priests of Um-Mu, visited taverns and inns throughout territories and border kingdoms between werewolves and vampires, to wish the people well.

Sunzunaran's Holy Days: Held on the day of the first frost of winter, this day saw everyone in the territories and border kingdoms between werewolves and vampires wearing white clothes, not serving or eating hot meals.

Being that it is a parade of naked men and women wearing only white robes leaving Cliffwatch in the North Ward, across territories and border kingdoms between werewolves and vampires and to the beaches, where there, the participants plunged into the icy waters, sacrificing its heat to Feel the holy flames of the dragon deity.

Sacred Flames: A festival celebrating the sea, maritime trade and the sea gods. It covered the last dozen Ches and included boat races.

When the Shipwright Ball at the House of the Shipwright and galas sponsored by the Order of Safety, in addition to the lookouts and rangers of the mountains who patrolled the borders at the holy robes festival. THE

festival was concentrated in Dark Ward and the Fiery Flagon in Sea Ward.

Night of Luna, a celebration in honor of the Lady of Joy with dancing and dancing, held on the night of Flamerule 7. Although the celebration was shared across territories and border kingdoms between werewolves and vampires at many festivals, the highlight of the In the evening was the Temple Ball of the Wolves, which was sponsored by the Priests of Um-Mu, the local clergy of Lliira and various noble families.

Trolltide: This minor holiday celebrated the end of the Second War of the Black Wolves in early Kythorn. On that day, the children of Waterd had, on which they would run through territories and border kingdoms between werewolves and vampires, dressed as black wolves demanding treats from citizens and shopkeepers so that the children would not play tricks on them at sunset.

In the kingdom of the shark women of Deep Realms of the Black Waters of the Shadow Queens maintained two separate armed forces, the City Guard and patrolling the territories of the Pilgrim Werewolves of the Shadow Realm and Border Realms between the Werewolves and Vampires.

Territories Guard and border realms between the werewolves and vampires served as Territories soldiers of the dark sirens and their members served as garrisons, road patrols and lookout posts, and served as bodyguards and gate guards.

The Watch was the security force, in addition to the local rangers and watchmen, acting as a police force within the territories and bordering realms between werewolves and vampires.

More delicate missions performed on behalf of Territories and border kingdoms between the werewolves and vampires of the Radiances were conducted by the Gray Force , an elite force of about a dozen skilled werewolves and vampires and cunning warriors.

In the realm of the shark women of the deep realms of the black waters of the shadow queens had the mystical dimension and its borders between the werewolves and vampires strong on its earthly sides and was protected in part by the dark mound.

In the shark women's kingdom of deep black water realms of the sea side shadow queens, in which Mount Territories of the dark mermaids was studded with watchtowers and defensive positions, and patrolled by special guard units in vampire bands known as the Red Vampire Cavalry.

In addition, Dark Siren Territories also benefited from a large native population of adventurers who were often more than willing to deal with any and all evildoers who threatened their territories and bordering realms between the werewolves and the home vampires.

Notable companies that arose to aid the Dark Sirens' Territories in times of peril included the band of heroes that slew the first of Zanuxar's dark realms, the group known as the Three Defenders, the Red Dawn Company, and perhaps the most famous , the Company of Crazed Entrepreneurs.

The border territories and realms between werewolves and vampires were also home to the eight huge walking statues of Dark Siren Territories. Seven of these statues could be animated by the Blood Staff of Dark Siren Territories.

All this to defend the border territories and kingdoms between werewolves and vampires, while one was too damaged to be activated, in which these statues were extremely destructive and used only to fend off armies or win impossible battles.

In the kingdom of the shark women of the deep kingdoms of the black waters of the queens of the shadows it was characterized by its wide and busy streets and avenues, with its intense traffic, constant throughout the day and most of the night, it was monitored by the traffic guards from patrolling the wandering werewolf territories of the shadow realm and border realms between werewolves and vampires.

The streets were kept well maintained and signposted by the Union of Clerks, Scribes and Clerks, who manufactured and installed signs and signs at all intersections.

Public transport was available from Into the Shark Women's Realms from Deep Realms of the Black Waters of the Shadow Queens through several options:

Drays were large, two-story collective carriages that held many seats and traveled trajectories of the mystical dimension and its borders between werewolves and vampires along the main avenues, with Doranuriavam fares between 2 and 4 dollars.

Hire carriages were two-wheeled, two-seater carriages that could be called up and dispatched to specific locations. Hire bus drivers roamed the streets of territories and border kingdoms between werewolves and vampires in search of passengers, who could hail a free bus with a shout, with fares, agreed in advance, rarely exceeding 6 shards.

The carriages were luxury vehicles that could accommodate up to 8 passengers comfortably, with Doranuri prices, but usually the carriages and their respective drivers and servants were hired for a whole day.