Films and series created before 2023, projects, this would simply lead to a company like Warner, Disney, among others that have these same characters as their flagship, going bankrupt, because they never used them, because they never existed.
No one remembered the classics, such as Peter-Pan, Batman, Superman, Marvel, Mickey, Spider-Man, Avengers, Scarlet Witch, among other productions that made millions, but without them, they would not have earned remuneration like the series of films from Fox, as Alien, Predator, Avatar, James Cameron's Titanic.
In the midst of great torments in a series of misfortunes, in which storms came, a series of natural disasters accompanying all this, together with which all are taken by loss of memory, that their best writers have been forgotten, their works have disappeared.
Before my mother wants me to clean the bathroom or do some other service inside the house, like cleaning, washing or cooking, I want to receive a lot of money, more than 20 thousand dollars and go to travel to another state like staying in Porto Seguro for 15 days, then travel to Portugal, even if it's alone, the woman was a slut, the demons realized that.
I want to humiliate my mother by proving that I don't need her, but she needs me, I simply want to prevent my mother from having a new batch of tests, when she will feel rejected and forced to go traveling with me .
Every time my mother gets nervous, that she wants me to wash something or do some work around the house, I want money to come up, I want $50,000 to be deposited in my account.
I want the movie Shazam – Fury of the Gods to lose audience, that it doesn't pay for itself, that it be forgotten, that everyone stops watching that it's a loss that doesn't have enough money or box office to pay for it, that movie was a disaster, it didn't pay for itself, it did not sell tickets, there was no one to watch it, it was simply a failure at the public box office and everyone complained.
I want to mess with my mother, I want to wake up at 6 am, while my mother doesn't leave the room, I want her to sleep and not wake up before 168 straight hours of sleep, I want her to lose 98 hours of her day, miss all the rest of her appointments, simply, I want everyone to sleep more than her, I want everyone to sleep for 98 hours straight without waking up.
The so-called sleeping sickness that plagued everyone with the disease of memory loss, which left everyone with sequelae, with something similar to dementia, which left all the inhabitants worried when everyone was desperate, regarding the diagnosis, in which everyone was do a series of tests.
I want her at 12:00 on March 9, 2023, as an early birthday present, I want her to lose 98 straight hours of her life, sleeping, while the rest of humanity will suffer the same fate.
Waking up with a fractured mind, forgetting everything that happened in the space of 1 week before going to sleep and waking up.
Let it be criticized and be badly done, I simply want the careers of everyone involved in the production of this film, from scriptwriters, actors and cameraman, from directors, simply, to be destroyed, that all actors, scriptwriters, directors and everyone involved in the production of this film.
In which there were no films, in which they never find a job in the field again, after the failure that the film became, it does not even raise the value that the Black Adam film raised, the film was a tremendous loss for the production, for the company, who stopped watching on the fourth day of showing in theatre’s.
I want the company where I write and work to make my novels, that a representative contact me, offering three residences and I have to choose three properties in three different locations of my choice.
I want to humiliate my mother by leaving for Portugal, with just this week before March 8, 2023, I simply want to be offered a great opportunity and offered a great offer that I can't refuse involving real estate and money.
I'm so selfish that I accepted the offer, thinking only of myself, creating a situation in which my mother is a hostage of circumstances, in which she will be forced to go with me, even though she doesn't want to.
I want to earn money just for humiliation, I promise to make hell and bring the earth like a portal, make everyone fall into decay, make the world fall into a spiral of decay and the world end up in ruins.
In which every time I wish evil and humiliation on the people of the multiverse, I will earn more in my remuneration, I will be rewarded for it.
I want that starting at midnight all satellite, cable transmissions across the planet will be cut off and off the air for 98 hours straight.
I want to be graced with luck and good fortune, for the world to revolve around me, for all my wishes to be fulfilled, for this to breed envy and jealousy.
Paying as your mother was an employee, the ultimate humiliation where I pay my mother to clean the house, in addition to paying the contract later, turning my mother into a real employee.
My money serves to cause pain, humiliation and suffering in humanity.
I want to receive remuneration from Points Culture International as well.
I want a spell where everyone sleeps for another 98 hours straight, then when they wake up they forget about their firstborn, I want everyone to forget about their firstborn, their descendants who were born first, when they wake up.
I want on March 9, 2023, at 12:00 am, when I want all the firstborn to be erased from the face of the universe, even those who are only children and only begotten children will be forgotten, all those who were born to the firstborn and the only son and his descendants will be erased, leaving the other children, if they are born later.
When waking up after 168 straight hours of sleep, everyone will forget about the firstborn, the only child and the only children, who also, when waking up, will not remember any book written on paper that has been released until the year 2023 in the month March.
I want everyone to forget about the books that marked generations that are symbols of a generation and a country, that have sold and that are unforgettable and striking, the only books that will be remembered will be the didactic and virtual books that are sold in bookstores digital, in addition to books that are sold in reading applications, which are written only from the year 2022 onwards.
In exchange for all forgetting about it that all the firstborn and only begotten children be erased from the universe, I want the souls of the only begotten, the only begotten and the firstborn to be handed over to each of the demons who are part of the contract.
From that day on, everyone who was affected, whether they are the descendants and heirs of writers, screenwriters, directors, as well as mangakas, their souls will be handed over to each of the demons in the contract, from the date on which everyone slept, on which everyone forgot about these people, who were simply erased, and their souls devoured, when everyone woke up their works were erased from the universe and people's minds.
I want to fuck with my mother's face, imagine erasing the most important information, like that of a son, a grandson, a daughter-in-law, someone she knew, simply, when Rita Cavalcanti Leite has erased it from her mind, about Sander Rufino de Souza, Maria da Penha Cavalcanti in which Alessandra Cavalcanti Sales has been erased from the lifeline.
With the fact that the firstborn will disappear, then the countries that have the lowest birth rate per inhabitant would have a large embezzlement in their rate, bringing a great loss to public coffers, making countries that are populous or have a large GDP or even have a stable economy society.