When everyone tried to get back to normality, when they tried everything so they could walk normally, it took another week for the energy waves, even the satellite signals.
It was then that they began to return to
Higher temperatures in the Arctic are thawing the region's permafrost, which was a frozen layer of soil below the ground , potentially activating viruses that, after lying dormant for tens of thousands of years, can endanger animal health and human.
At that time, when they went to invade the laboratories, when the scientists were gathered with their vials, between flasks, when they were doing tests and did not see them coming, several cars invaded the laboratories.
- Where are the virus samples? - They questioned when unleashing a hail of bullets towards security, invading the complex.
When a new disease they were testing was dispersed along the way, in their escape, amidst an attack by activists who broke into the laboratories led to them being infected in the escape, taking some scientists hostage, when they scattered and broke vials., in which everyone went to destroy the countless containers.
What was a group of radical activists and terrorists, who believed that humanity should be extinct, surrendered the security guards, took the samples in their escapes, throwing them along the way.
While a pandemic triggered by a disease from the distant past sounds like the plot of a science fiction movie, scientists warn that the risks, while low, are underestimated. Chemical and radioactive waste dating back to the Cold War, this was worse, the message was that they were considered terrorists.
In the midst of this, as they went on their search, in reality, they were all found dead, unaware of the point at which they have the potential to harm wildlife and disturb ecosystems, they can also be released during the thaw, which caused everything a wave of deaths of different races across the planet, which killed with massive haemorrhage’s, which killed in a period of 4 consecutive days.
Even if the scientists who discovered the formation of a new ocean while Africa begins to divide, not being able to finish the studies, before they revealed all the consequences, when all were affected, in which two parts of land that make up the material, in that they were all contaminated.
In which the second largest continent in the world begins to separate, in which this would make room for an ocean that would cross the two halves, separating the 54 countries that are part of the region, in which, in the midst of this, there was a great earthquake, which separated in a space of 2 hours straight, from several earthquakes.
With the crack that opened with earthquakes on the Richter scale, at a number 9, in which the separation of lands began, it is located on the edges of three tectonic plates, which are gradually moving away from each other.
With all these changes, it was not just a crack, but a huge fissure, which runs the entire length that separated it, an abyss that led to the inability to cross where it appeared in the deserts of Ethiopia, in 2005, it was no longer a desert, it was an abyss, which separated this continent from the rest of the world.
So, when they formed with the creation of a new ocean on the African continent, with that, separating continents and countries like Uganda and Zambia, which do not have access to the sea, they were taken by a drought and followed and extensive earthquakes, in which they could in the future have a coastline if the land mass keeps breaking up, but that would be in just a hundred million years or so.
Due to the systematic isolation of regions of the world, between where there was a desert, there is now an intense and strong tsunami of a sea that covered almost rising from an abyss towards the land, it did not take millions of years as they thought, due to warming global warming, the huge amount of rain that followed, the rising waters, the melting glaciers, the rising sea water.
With the process of opening space, it is complex, but it can shelter an immense body of water in millions of years, which was not what happened, which is what led to the immense thaw, two things happened, followed by more other things .
With the melting of the glaciers, it led to a tsunami in several coastal parts, the coastal cities disappeared, a good part of the coastal city, if not half, simply ceased to exist, along with the death of thousands of people, the city was submerged with the increase in the level of evil.
Then, decreasing the number of dry land, which led to the migration of surviving people to the other side of the dry region of that Earth, a part of the world that was a sun scorching desert, between oases became the good part of the place, the world was summed up, there are some things, such as, sea, desert, and swampy and swampy regions, due to the viruses and diseases that spread throughout the world.
Since the animals were just domes in the desert of colonies of survivors, the bacteria first spread through the sea, air and then land, when they began to colonize other planets with a lot of effort, which were also only the most affluent ones.
That dimension, in which that Earth existed, had with the diseases, the death of only children, viruses and bacteria, a decrease of only 45% of the human population that remained, leading to the near extinction of humanity.
In which after that, there was also the spread of diseases, viruses and bacteria that were released towards the sea, killing all the living beings that lived there, also the mammals, the waters had dead animals floating everywhere , this planet Earth in question, has no more life.
In which there is water that spread with sand dunes, little by little before the remaining inhabitants could colonize the world, then, with climate change, the planet in question no longer had sand or dunes.
It was then, due to the heavy rains that fell towards the earth, raining where it had never rained, then, simply, thousands of beings died, without animals, without vegetation, without where to appeal, then, life on earth, became extinct, when the sea completely covered the land.
Since this is the only place on Earth where you can study how a continental rift becomes an oceanic rift, that being the tectonic plates of Africa, which divided between fissures and continents from the rest of the world separating from Arabia.
It was then, they collide in the desert and gradually separate about 30 million years ago, with the same movement also split the Red Sea, but the current crack is expanding only 2.54 cm per year.
Meanwhile, where there was the permafrost that covered one-fifth of the northern hemisphere, having sustained the arctic tundra and boreal forests of Alaska, Canada and Russia for millennia, there was a huge earthquake, which separated
This fissure with the earthquake siren, which serves as a kind of time capsule, preserving, in addition to ancient viruses, in which the mummified remains of several extinct animals that scientists have managed to unearth and study in recent years, including two cubs cave lion and a woolly rhino.
The reason permafrost is a good storage medium isn't just because it's cold; it is an oxygen-free environment that light cannot penetrate. But current Arctic temperatures are warming up to four times faster than the rest of the planet, weakening the top layer of permafrost in the region.
At that time, when they were projecting a wave of disease that shook the world.