It was time to ask the public for help, they went towards the media, making a request for any information in that region, left everyone worried about the waitress in her spare time and teacher.
So, the moment came when they looked for a dead person, he was realistic, where they began to check the edge of the road, docks, 16 kilometers from the city, which was on the other side of the bay, in forests, reserves, there is a group search, they look more carefully, then, in the middle of the currents, then, they see the foot of a human being.
They had found the body, it was Andresa, a team of divers went to the place to find the body, they were in March in the north of Lovecraft County, in Verisales, where there is a period of snow, when it was in a shallow part , pine branches, on a winter day, among frozen water, when they saw that the body was naked.
The victim was found, the intense cold slowed down the decomposition time, it's very difficult to keep a body submerged, the body was transported by hearse, to the medical center of Vermont, bruises.
So, thinking back to that moment, there are rumour’s within the city, that there is a predator or more that was looking for young wolf women, so, first they went to see, it was a vampire and a werewolf, owners of a snow cleaning company and that there was a store that sold products related to physical education and exercises, materials for gyms, that they had been the only ones to enter in the middle of all this.
As for the blood that was frozen, they found several circular, parallel wounds and various parts of the body, someone used a stun gun on his body, very close.
The coroner confirmed that she was strangled, then killed, to the point of asphyxiation, she did that, pretty close.
They never thought this would happen in the city, all they knew was that from friends and relatives, she didn't use drugs, she was distant from the life she led.
The officers looked into her life, at the gym, listening to gossip, talking to staff and students.
- She stopped to explain, the feeling was that this could happen to anyone they could think of who could look through the notebooks.
They wanted to see the emails and everything connected to her activities at school, there were always dead ends, there, allowed to concentrate on what happened, everything led to a company of articles for gyms, all the women had also passed with a clinic of aesthetics, which were from this couple as well, who were involved in aesthetic procedures.
Phone records, a disposable number without requiring registration, long before 8 pm,
So, it turns out that the police are smart, along with Ragnar, that in his mind, there are many ways he's connected to where he was sold, they found out.
Following the disposable phone number, which shows that through tracking the cell tower, according to the records, the signal was detected where the body was discarded, at the place where each of the calls was made.
The police know the number they used to track where it was purchased.
So the sheriff sent investigators so they could talk to someone in charge of the store.
Arriving there to talk to someone, they saw a short man.
- Do you know who the manager is? – Towards a gentleman on the other side of the counter.
- All you would like to know why? - The man questioned.
- Police. - He said, showing the badge.
- Fair. - The man said.
- It is me. - He said.
So, taking a sheet of some medical records and showing them.
- That number, plus cameras, videos, footage, whatever you have. - He said.
- For the police yes. - He said.
- Follow me, come this way. - He said, lifting the entrance to the balcony, leading to the back.
So, there was a computer, on which he went inside to the store where it was bought, talking to the store manager, searched with the records, taking them to the police station, there are records of purchase and sale documents.
Then, they found out that they were the owners of the snow company, who bought with a card, a mobile phone found with Melissa and Patrícia and Proud, an audio record and cameras, allowing an interrogation with Patrícia and Proud, but the probability of a wife being involved in the crime.
It was a difficult thing to happen, one of the surprising events being the fact that they were involved in the midst of the victims, when they went to investigate with a warrant to his mansion, to find in his basement corpses of sodomized victims.
As for Patricia and her husband, Proud, showing up at the police station, the woman had her identity stolen and they were trying to explain the purchase of that phone.
So, remembering something they tried to pass on and put, at that time, there was a newspaper service and snow cleaning, they used the fact that they cleaned snow, even sales of gym products or the fact that they had a beauty clinic for that they might entice their victims, and convert them into their slaves.
- When they got tired of them, the wolves and women were killed and discarded, but that last time, they were caught, because they didn't plan according to their obsession with that woman in question.
They could not think of anything else, they became impulsive, as they had not been caught before.
Speaking of which, what were you doing that day? – An investigator asked her when she went to Hampshire, so they suspect her ex-husband.
When she said, by buying and stealing your identity.
This does not explain why, they assigned different tasks to different employees, the security camera footage arrives where the cell phone was found.
So, there was Patrícia and Proud, then, showing each one of them, examining their cell phones, they also said that they went to a chain of cafeterias in the region, that they appeared within the region.
Proud and Patricia were there, and Proud was wearing the cap they'd forgotten in the dirt next to the car.
Now, the state police were at that time, in the middle of investigations, when they came when they were called, so Patricia's interrogation was difficult, she denied her participation in the business.
The woman denied everything, but her husband, he couldn't stand it, he got scared and gave in, at that time, the detectives said
By showing recordings, the result of our investigation, we know that you have done this.
It's how things got to this point, what triggered it all.
They followed her, they wanted to have sex with her, they wanted her because they monitored them, so she wanted nothing to do with us.
When Melissa got out of the car, we asked if she wanted it, the woman said no, we still call them perverts.
- She had something wrong, she had no intention of killing, we wanted a sex slave, but she refused, we wanted to meet so we could have an affair, but she continued to refuse, we want, but she didn't want to.
Both for Proud and Andresa, the desire for her got out of control, so they tried to force her to come.
We were going to take them to stay with the other girls, so she didn't want to, we kidnapped them, but she didn't want to, we ended up killing her. - He said.
Meanwhile, when they discover that in addition to having nothing to do with anything and not having anything to do with each other, they declared that both should be transferred and arrested, but during the transfer process.
In which they overtook some police, in their escape, fled in pursuit, taking the police's weapons, in which they broke into a shopping mall, in which they took some people hostage, killing the guards and police in their path, over 30 people were killed in the crossfire,
Elsewhere, 177 people were killed and several more injured after a shooting on Thursday in the border town of Hells Pronst, north of the city of Henan Souls, according to local media reports.
During the invasion of Hells Souls police did not confirm the death toll and stated that "several were injured, some fatally, and they tried to negotiate by informing that Ragnar invaded the place.
In which they were trying to change, but they until that time, had molested all the women at that time, and those men were deciding that Loki had to intervene, surprising them from behind, by freeing the various people they had hostage.
They'd used the werewolf serum, plus she was a vampire, who could walk in the day, which made the city's fog and lack of sun among the thick clouds easier.
According to initial information released by local media, the shooting took place at around 9 pm in a church, which is known to be a religious center for Jehovah's Witnesses.
Extending, with my deepest condolences to the families of the victims, when they tried to negotiate with the kidnappers, in a crossfire of attacks, in which the forces are working at full speed to pursue the perpetrators and clarify the background," said the mayor from Hells Souls, Peter Torquart;
When everyone tried to reach an agreement, when the police spokesperson reported that seven people died and eight others were injured in the shooting and that there was no indication that an assailant was at large, quoting a police spokesman.
So, they were trying to take several people to hospitals, they had more psychological sequelae than physical ones, impacting the lives of several people who were affected.
According to the newspaper "Morgenpost", 124 people were injured, 77 of them seriously, and initial information indicates that the shooter is among the dead, when emergency services and doctors attended to the injured on the spot, in which everyone had to resolve the issue more Simple later.
Meanwhile upon returning to Lovecraft's town.
Your car in the middle of the road, reaching the city border.
- There's a problem, Loki. Ragnar said.
- Which? – The god of trickery questioned him.
- Those people and the mall are part of a wave of insurance contracts, which you personally signed. Ragnar said.
- Disgrace. - Loki said.
About that.
When residents of the region received an alert on their mobile phone alerting them to the shooting.
Today, around 9 pm, one or more criminals shot people in a church, when the following areas were affected: Deelböge and surroundings of the Hamburg district, where the message said.
So, according to the police, there is no information about what motivated the attack, when they also informed the local media that they do not know if it was one or more shooters, and that there is no evidence that they fled. Police did not specify whether one or more killers were among the dead.
The survivors, several people were seriously injured, some even fatally.
A local reporter was welcoming the incident.
- We are in place with a large contingent of police forces tried to avoid a tragedy without success.
- An interracial couple involved in a series of crimes around the city, according to witnesses molested their hostages, many women were raped. – A police representative told a reporter from the city of Hells Souls