When a rescue group that was organized by the council of mages.
In which each of them, at that time, enters the sewers in search of the creature, where he faces many monsters and challenges, but in the end manages to find Radament and defeat him.
Those beasts in which they went to meet each of the adventurers in which everyone was at that time, in one of the labyrinths.
Yes, they were there seeking their vengeance on their family of Atma , when the ancient gods still roamed that world where their ancient enemy was imprisoned in his tomb, where at the present time each one of them, had brought one of their relics that were against each of the traps and the challenges, in which they were in the midst of those challenges, thanks to their conquests, in which they were bringing peace to the city, in which Deckard Cain also joins each one of them.