Kate woke up groggily. Her sleepy eyes scanned the room and a lazy smile came to form on her lips.

"Hmm" she sighed. She was happy her family were now with her . Oh how she've missed them all these year's of staying alone.

* * *

When Kate got the scholarship to study at 'BILTON CREST HIGH SCHOOL', she was excited but when her time of departure came, she almost didn't want to go. Kate was sad she was leaving her family. She cried and cried till her eyes were swollen and her mother kept telling her that everything was going to be alright. When they got to the airport, she embraced her parents and then her sweet little brother for the last time and said farewell. In the plane she wondered how her life would be without her family. She was going to an alien land and she didn't know what to look forward to.