“Here, I'll help you put them back on” Raymond brought the glasses near Kate's face but she angrily snatched it off his grip, hereby causes one of the extended sides of the glasses to snap.

“Damn” she hissed as she stared at the broken end.

When Kate was walking towards this table earlier, something at the back of her head had cautioned her to be alert on Raymond, but she had quickly waved it off with the excuse that she was overthinking.

“Oops” was all Raymond could say as he blew out air from his lungs nervously. No girl made him scared, nervous? Never! But right now Kate looked like a wolf ready to pounce on him in any second, she was quite scary.

“Andrew, I should get going” Kate grabbed her bag and walked away. Everyone were staring at her, which made her more embarrassed and she left the coffee shop in more hurried steps.