Friendly Ghosts

Mortimer shrugged, feeling his anxiety hit a tipping point. “Or you can just check my goddamned pants for the shit I laid after seeing that!” he barked. “That ain’t rabies or no virus. That’s some next level shit. I bet you if I stuck a knife in that guy he won’t go down or barely bleed. The amount of adrenaline that must have been rushing through him...“ His heart would have exploded.

The rest of the ride was unnervingly silent. Jon had to deal with the fact his leg almost got munched off by a maybe-zombie, and the others had to reconcile with the possibility they were walking into the start of something much bigger than they were.To get to the hospital they needed to go around and back towards Mercy street, but after that there was no telling how a hospital full of potentially infected people was going to turn out.