Leslie made her way through the winding halls searching for Paul or any sign of the others. She hadn’t noticed where her feet had been carrying her, her mind having wandered, distancing itself from the cries of the desperate people. Far enough into the hospital it was quiet. The occasional beep of an EKG machine could be heard measuring the thumbs of a patient’s heart while the haggard cough of another would remind one that there were people still alive out here. The sterile smell of the cleaning chemicals and almost stale taste of the linen in the back of her throat started to bring back memories of the time she had spent here with her dad. When she came to a stop the woman had realized she walked all the way to the room her mom had been isolated in. Her boots’ soles dragged against the ground as she turned to face the open doors. They were at the part of the hospital where people waited for life saving treatments like transplants or their insurance to pass.