Trouble from All Sides

Leslie had pulled open the window behind her to allow her to talk to the others over the sound of the radio playing the news. By now panic had spread. The Cross River Hospital had quarantined after a number of patients became violent, forcing the Outertown and Middletown police departments to step in. This left the small precincts split as they had to manage the fights that broke out on the bridge between MTPD and the Red Deer Construction Company who, with the help of the owner's son, overtook officers, so reports say. The news would also mention that the other side of the bridge was completely barricaded by the military, preventing anyone from the city from crossing the river, of which boats with armed Military Police currently patrol.

Jon was concerned. "So they shut down the river?" His mom worked across the river in the larger Redwood city. "Do you think it's safe on the other side?" He'd worry.