~P I N G~
Leslie was in danger. She was expelling the spent shells from her gun's barrel; she was left vulnerable for that split second. There was no time to shout her name, touch her shoulder, or shove her out of the way! Jon jumped into the way without a second thought. He wound up for a third time and swung up, a foul shot.
As the menacing deer came down on Leslie it did so headfirst. The metal bat struck without prejudice. Its chin was popped up, had lurching back as shards of teeth trained down, and specks of blood spraying out when its jagged fangs skewered through the organ.
Sounds of coughing and hacking was heard by the scattered members of the party. The debris began to shift. A human hand burst from the dusty debris only for moments later Guy to escape the ruinous confines.
"You..." Guy continued to cough, pulling mucus to the back of his throat to spit the soot from his mouth. "...b-bastards!" He huffed out.