Minseok gets out of the car and goes to Jangmi's seat, carefully picking her up as she had fallen asleep.

"Dad, Jangmi will rage when she finds this out." He hears, halting his step as his eyebrows furrow, peeking from the door which was left an inch open.

"Let her. She's useless."

He could see Suhyeok in a black suit, white shirt, striped tie, black pants with a rose in his pocket. He could see Daejung in a normal t-shirt with his hair in curls. He hurries upstairs as soon as the door creaks open.

He lays her down on the mattress, softly as he turns to close the door. He sighs as he sits down on the chair beside her bed.

Why would he ever say that Mimi is useless? He internally scoffs, gazing at his lover. He can feel all the memories and moments diving into his mind as he continues to admire her.


"Minseok?" Jangmi ends the call as she comes to a sight she never thought she would be witnessing.

"MIMI!" The said girl jumps at the booming voice. Minseok, with his cheeks flush red and the tips of his ears turning red, tumbles towards her. He wraps his arms around her.

"I missed you so much." He mutters in her neck as he nuzzles his face into her neck.

The girl freezes up, processing what is happening. Jangmi feels her face heating up as he wraps his arms around her.

"M-Minseok." Jangmi laughs nervously, tapping on his arm. "Let's get you to bed." She drags him, barely making it to the room as the boy wouldn't stop clinging onto her.

"We're here." She forces him to sit down. She scrunches her nose as she realises he's been drinking.

"Minseok. Have you been drinking?" She asks, checking his temperature, "how many drinks have you had?"

"Two bottles? Maybe even three." He frowns, tightening his grip around her. "I missed you. I couldn't stop thinking about you so I decided to drink with Junseo." He rambles on.

Jangmi's face fills with concern seeing as she knew for a fact that his drinking capacity is only one bottle.

He's definitely drunk. She thinks to herself, frowning.

"Hey, hey, hey," she taps his face when she notices he's about to fall asleep. "I'll go and make you a smoothie, I'll inform your sister and your mom. You," she points at him, " stay here until I get back and try not to fall asleep." She instructs, although knowing he won't listen.

He nods with a drunken smile on his face as she goes downstairs, locking the windows so he doesn't try to escape like previously did when he got drunk.

Sighing, she dials Rina's number. It takes three rings for her to pick up.

Jangmi flinches as loud noises boom through the phone. She grows with worry immediately.

"Rina, are you alright?" She asks when she hears heaving breathing.

"I'm a little busy but I'm fine," she hears shooting, "what's wrong?" She can hear Rina's voice lacing with worriness.

"Minseok's drunk. He's staying here tonight, I just wanted to inform you." Jangmi bites her bottom lip, exhaling in relief when she realises the shooting stopped.

"Alright. Thanks for informing me." Rina hangs up. Jangmi frowns even more if that is possible.

She decides to start making the smoothie. After almost ten minutes, she goes upstairs with the smoothie.

Unlocking the door, she cautiously goes inside, only to see Minseok knocked out on the bed. She sighs in distress, placing the smoothie and an egg on the toast on the small table beside her bed.

She writes a note as she goes to the guest bedroom to sleep as she assumes he would be uncomfortable if they share a room.

But that's what Jangmi's problem is, she assumes.