Chapter 10

In between the last day of battle and this day that he was summoned by the King, he took his time to consult the Princess of the way forward. He was cautious enough to avoid being spotted or raise suspicion. The reasons he gave the King were those they had discussed with his lover. This shifted the blame from his side to the battalion as a whole. Finally, they concluded that, something better needed to be done for next time.

“Captain, tell me, what happened out there at the battle field such that I had to withdraw the warriors. Is this Captainship becoming a burden to you, or, what is it that made you lose to Lampa for God’s sake. Enlighten me Captain,” asked the King.

“My lord, it’s not that the Captainship is a burden to me but, the Lampa warriors were quite prepared for us and some new warriors were not well prepared. We did not have enough time to have them be the best my King,” said the Captain.