Much kinder ——2

Doctor Lin pursed her lips, she understood what Xua Ying Yue was trying to teach her and even wanted to agree with the plan with which she came up with but——

" There is a problem with that plan of yours," said Doctor Lin after heaving a soft sigh. " I do not have any idea about the pharmaceutical field, much less skills to develop new medicine, even if I was to force my way inside the company I do not believe that I will be able to take hold of the company from the inside."

Though she and her husband belonged to the same field of medical science, there was an obvious difference between the two fields, while she could have been a great doctor if she was to take up a job in a hospital, the same could not be said if she was to try and take over the pharmaceutical company which she had no idea about.

If she was to force her way inside not only will she be looked down on, but the employees of that company will also make fun of her for trying to dabble her hands into something that she had no idea about, if that happens then she will do more harm to herself than good!

As she finished speaking, she raised her head and looked at Xua Ying Yue with a sheepish expression on her face, even though Xua Ying Yue was not saying anything, she had a feeling that the latter was regretting her decision of choosing such an idiot as her partner.

Xua Ying Yue was indeed regretting it a bit but then she remembered the reason why she called Doctor Lin here and then sighed while nursing her forehead, it was all right, she was already going to use that thing in exchange for some chemicals which she needed, even if she had to use it already, there was no need for her to feel sorry.

" That is not something you need to worry about, I have already thought about it." As she spoke she pulled her bag from the ground and then took out a clean set of papers on which she had been working since she received these ugly burns, it was unfinished but not completely, as long as Doctor Lin had even one person in the company she could trust, this thing would come handy for her.

" This is an ointment to reduce scars," she told Doctor Lin who raised her head in surprise after she was done reading the process and steps as well as the ingredients which were needed to make the ointment. " I was looking into something that will reduce the burn scars but instead I came up with this beauty cream which can reduce the appearance of dark acne marks and whiten the skin."

As Doctor Lin finished reading the notes, she raised her head and looked at Xua Ying Yue who was sitting in front of her with her arms crossed and eyes glinting sharply under the street light.

" really came up with something like?" Though there was indeed a vanishing cream in the market it was not as good when it came to reducing dark marks, it was perfect to make a person's skin soft and supple but reducing acne marks and tan was something that it could not do.

What was more, it was really expensive but this —— it seemed to be made from pure organic herbs along with some chemicals which could be found in the market with ease. As long as they finalise this product they will be able to make a sensation in the market!

" You can use this to create a foothold in the company first, in case you do not trust me then you can ask someone to look into it, and in case you find it satisfactory…" Xua Ying Yue's eyes flickered as she added, " You can make a small lab in this city for me, that way I will be able to keep experimenting and hand you new medicines for this and that."

Doctor Lin listened to her suggestion and felt that it was indeed profitable for her, even if this ointment of hers did not work, there was nothing that she was going to lose.

"What is in it for you?" She asked Xua Ying Yue finally, though she had helped Xua Ying Yue a little, it was not to the point where Xua Ying Yue would be willing to go this far just to help her.

Her words brought a smile to Xua Ying Yue who tapped the surface on the table and then said, " Nothing, I just want you to be my eyes and ears in the S city. As you already know teacher, I cannot go to the S city for the time being at least not until CEO Lu is alive which serves as a great handicap to me, all I want you to do is keep an eye on the six of them, tell me everything about what they are doing and what kind of business they are involved in, no matter how small even including their relationships. As long as you do this for me, I will help you overthrow your husband."

She paused and then added swiftly, " I will also make sure that your husband's mistress suffers as well, with me staying here you will have nothing to worry about."

After she was done speaking, she waited for Doctor Lin to speak as the latter pursed her lips and finished thinking about everything, only then did she open her mouth and nod, " All right, I agree. I will take this," She raised the notes that Xua Ying Yue had given to her and then said, " And have it run some tests as long as they come out positive, you can rest assured, I will not go back on my word."

" Very well then," Xua Ying Yue's gaze fell on two figures who were heading towards the restroom and then she too stood up from the chair and before leaving spoke a few more words to Doctor Lin, " I am glad that I chose you, Teacher Lin. Compared to your husband who is willing to administer that drug to your daughter, you are much kinder."