Adding Fuel To The Fire.

Angelina could feel his shaking hand as he held her cellphone tightly, like he was going to to break it.

"I don't understand.." His voice trailed off. "What the hell is this Article..?"

Marco handed Angelina back her phone and turned around and ran towards their house while Angelina followed.

He soon stopped outside their house, opened the door and walked in.

He ran into his room and placed his phone on the bedside table and plugged it.

He sat down on his bed, face buried in his hands. His breathing started to become uneven and shallow and he didn't seem to be able to calm himself down at all anymore. Angelina came into the room and sat on the edge of his bed before putting a hand on his shoulder, "It's okay, brother."

" Those rumors can't be true," He mumbled.

" What if they were true? Would you still like her? " Angelina asked.